Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust by Evangeline | World Anvil

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18th of Ardorus, 774

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

by Evangeline Calyrion

Whispers in the shadows... a gathering of damned souls amidst the ceaseless downpour. The darkened woods played host to our eerie reunion, a gathering of wicked souls bound by the sinister threads of the Syndicate. Oh, how our code names echoed through the damp air: Spooks (I AM SPOOKS, YES, I AM, A WHISPER IN THE ABYSS, THEY CALL ME), Gloves, Arhtist, Crow, Ivy, V, and Knock. A disparate assembly of madness, cloaked in secrecy, manipulated like marionettes by the Syndicate's cruel hand.
The mission, they told us, was a descent into madness itself - Slyvaria, my forsaken hometown, its name whispered with dread and despair. There, ensconced within an abhorrent mansion, secrets and accursed relics awaited. My memory of the place, tinged with madness, faded like fleeting phantasms in the rain.
Rain fell relentlessly, each drop a cacophonous reminder of the night's dread. We gathered in that forsaken clearing, soaked and tainted by the relentless downpour. The Syndicate, the puppeteer, had drawn us into their nightmarish theater.
Our pilgrimage led us to the mansion, which, beneath the mask of rain, bared its teeth in a wicked grin. A revelation - my father's home.. Slyvaria had evolved, mutated, and the mansion had become a mockery of my memories.
We embarked on our descent into the abyss, ghosts of our former selves, our existence concealed from the eyes of spectral sentinels. We fragmented, our twisted minds leading us down different paths. The master bedroom whispered my name (OH, HOW IT WHISPERED, LIKE THE CACKLING OF FORGOTTEN GHOSTS, THEY BECKON), and there, in the shadows, a hidden chamber beckoned.
In that loathsome room, a maelstrom of memories and madness intertwined, and I unearthed documents. Fragments of the Syndicate's mission intertwined with my shattered past, incoherent and sinister (THE RAMBLINGS OF A LUNATIC, THEY NEVER STOP).
The other half of our lunatic troupe delved deeper, seeking my father's study. But the mansion, sentient and malevolent, unleashed its horrors. Poisonous gas, swirling in maddening patterns (THE DELIRIUM OF A FEVERED DREAM, THEY LAUGH), engulfed us all.
Consciousness returned in fragments, and there they stood - my estranged father and the wicked stepmother, their faces ravaged by time and malevolence. I hadn't glimpsed their wretched visages in an eternity, and the reunion, oh, the reunion, was beyond sanity's grasp.
My father, a savior and tormentor (PRAISE THE TWISTED PARADOX), stood at the intersection of my sanity. His voice, both haunting and soothing, whispered secrets and incantations that curled like serpents within my mind (A SERENADE OF MADNESS, THEY SING). He was the shadow that danced on the precipice of my soul, luring me into abyssal depths.
They sought to teach me a lesson, an unsettling revelation that I was the star of their sinister play, the mad protagonist of their wicked narrative (A DREAM AND NIGHTMARE UNFOLDING). In their sadistic theatre, they made Arhtist a sacrifice, a horrifying crescendo in my descent into the abyss. Arhtist, once among us, obliterated before my eyes, atomized by a spell born of the damned (SUCH SWEET TWISTED FINALE).
The world crumbled, and my fractured psyche cackled in the darkness (LAUGHTER AND DESPAIR ENTWINED, THEY REVEL). The past and present, entwined in madness, beckoned me forward. Secrets, draped in a miasma of torment (LIKE THE SCREAMS OF THE FORESAKEN, THEY ECHO), revealed themselves through the rain-soaked haze.
For sanity has abandoned me, and I embrace the madness, they command.

  • Spooks
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    1. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
      18th of Ardorus, 774
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      22nd of Ardorus, 774
    8. The Journal Entry’s title
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    11. The Journal Entry’s title