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Fri 6th Jan 2023 09:15


by Nyx

My father Callin raised me by himself.
He fell in love with my mother when she moved to our village. She stayed through the pregnancy and then stayed long enough to see that I had inherited her gift. I don’t know why she left, and my father never really spoke about her.
He gave me a name once Muriel.
He never gave me anything else, he said it didn’t matter since she probably wouldn’t look the same.
Early on I had a hard time controlling my shifts and because Changelings are not welcomed by society, I was not a very loved child by the village people.
I kept to myself mostly until I met Emelia. She was an orphan child living in the streets of the village, we became friends and eventually she came to live with us. She was the sister I never had, she soon came to be loved by everyone and became the outgoing social butterfly. She would come home from the market and tell me all about her day and how great it would be if I just came with her and then people could see how nice I was and get to know me and not be so uncomfortable or scared anymore.
With her encouragement I did start to go out and to my surprise some things did change. Some people were nice to me. Some still weren’t but it was a lot better than what had been previously and that was wonderful.
When I was 15 the star fell. Nothing changed at first after the star fell. It didn’t hit us as badly, so people weren’t too worried. But as the reports started coming in people became scared again. I was almost as bad as one of the monster’s people had heard about.
Animosity grew and eventually I stayed inside again. That’s when I started thinking about my mother. Who was she and why didn’t she stay to help me with this and teach me how to deal with people who view me as abnormal? And the dislike for this village… There had to be places where I was not the odd person… Where I could be myself and be normal?
I left a note when I left that night, I am sure it broke my father’s heart, maybe Emelia’s but they would be fine, they have each other. I left to find my place in this world. I don’t know who I am, but I intend to find out and maybe find a home where I can belong. A fresh start.