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Wed 2nd Nov 2022 05:08

4 adventurers

by Nyx

A group of 4 adventurers came upon us at camp. They were haggard looking and hurt and making their way out of Drakkenheim.
They said they had tried to go to the crater or had been to the crater and had been betrayed by the rest of their party.
One such figure was Endra. He seemed nice if not shy. He had stated that he had a possible claim to the throne and went to find proof so he could take the crown. He also stated he was from Caspia (south of here).
He had held Delerium with his bare hand and as a result his tongue had completely rotted out of his mouth and had a large amount of contamination going through him. He stated that he was told optimistically he had about a week to live. He stated that trying to find something to cure him would cost upwards of 1 thousand GP (1 GP=$104 USD)
"It felt like the first time I touched magic but ten fold"
He said it was like molten lava was coursing through his veins and he felt immense power.
Within the span of a few hours though he became something other than human. His mouth was elongated and had tentacles and was so disformed there was nothing left of any human that had once been there.
We had to kill him unfortunately.
The Orc in the party (did not catch his name) had also taken a small chip of Delerium. Worth 5 GP he ended up dropping it on the ground before leaving our camp with the remainder of his party.
Rickard Voss (leader) stated we could find him at the Red Lions Inn in the future he owes us one favor