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Fri 6th Jan 2023 09:53


by Nyx

Upon entering the bar we met several people.
People we met:
Open Mike- bartender and owner- dead
Nunya: Probs not her real name but that is how she introduced herself, turns out she is part of the Queens Men (Possible name is Faith)
Anika: Knights of the silver order helped us defeat the monster
Aaron Grint: Hooded Lantern and his boss told us he would help us (possible dolt)
Pluto Jackson: Who we originally went to rob was there once he is a creep
Osiris: Part of the Academy and took notes we stole his notebook and told him to tell the academy that we helped end the timeloop
Charlotte: Not real and the monster
After a few hours of trying to figure out how to rob Pluto a bright purple light filled the room and we all died. We woke up at the entrance of the bar again. Charlotte was the only one who remembered besides us at certain points.
We found tunnels underneath the tavern and it turns out they are used by the Queens Men to get to Drakkenheim to Emberwood and vice versa. In the time loop we were not able to go very far. We met the monster that could heal themselves when they ate people. It's wish was to be the greatest pianist in the world and it had Charlottes face. (Later River at the Academy stated that it sounded like a form of the Wish spell with some malverbage?) (NEED TO WRITE THIS IN FROM NOTES)
We originally tried to avoid it but the only way out was to fight. We ended up defeating it with a lot of help from the constructed pirates, Anika, and Osiris. (O was not much help)
We were in the loop for about 12 hours after everyone left to report to their bosses. We did get a few spells and Delirium and I also raided the cash register we also found Pluto Jackson as well.
We robbed him of all of his personal effects as well as some gold. Split between the party. We gave everything but the gold to Blackjack Mel. We are keeping Pluto around as a "renewable resource" he will go get more gold and things and we can take that from him if need be. (thoughts of branding were also discussed, not in consideration as of right now).
Narth asked if there was any fighting and Mel told us about the pit where people fight and that it could also get us an audience with the Queen of Thieves. (not sure why but Rolan really wants to meet her). I am trying to find info on my mom and I feel like someone that well connected might have info.
I suck in fights... Mel is "managing" us for 12% and no sign on bonus after being heavily influenced with threats that I would become him and humiliate him. I should probably watch out for that later. We watched
Glassjaw and Smiley Pete fight and Smiley Pete won. It was over pretty fast too... We are supposedly going to tag team and fight against the Howling Dawgs... Rules of the fight from what I remember.
Magic can only be done in the ring. (Can do outside of it but don't get caught)
No poison (Just don't get caught)
If you tag out the person tagging in has 6 seconds to get in or you lose
There was more...
Oh no Invisibility or darkness spells (not even a don't get caught warning)

As we were leaving BJ Mel spoke to 2 Tieflings that were well dressed and they were very interested in us.
Also going back through the tunnels we were being tailed. 2 scoundrelly type people with dark clothes. I tried to talk to them through message and asked if they would like to introduce themselves but they used some sort of sign language and ran away.
After a long rest in Emberwood we are now level 3