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Thu 12th Jan 2023 05:40


by Nyx

Mel is Queens second (he says) but she also has a cadre
- The tieflings???
Amateur fighters
Howlin Dawgs- Leeon is the leader (crazy guy on top of the roof)
Pins and Clubs
Announcer of fights is named Bull
I bought Prestidigitation
have Knock spell
1 other from timeloop
and one transmutation that I need to select
Lies and Deceit and maybe Mel are the only ones that may have seen the Queens face
Gangs make tributes of about 100 GP a week to the Quenn through the wishing well out behind smee's and it just "disappears"
AQUA DELERIUM- Who Makes Aqua Delerium and would they buy it for more than others do?
Supposedly low side effects don't cast spells within an hour of taking it. It allows you to recover spell slots immediately
Tig is the fence in the pits (elf looks to be about 15 in human years) thinks I am Rachael
Sells other potions as well.