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Mon 16th Mar 2020 04:46

Rest In Pieces

by Amethyst Ume

Song: Saliva - Rest in Pieces
Amethyst moved quietly into the cart, taking great care to avoid the looks of confusion, anger, grief and pain around the party. She didn't want to think of them. Or herself. Or the figure of the companion she had healed over and over, time and again. Cold and still. His neck at an unnatural angle...
Ame clenched her eyes shut and bit her lip until she felt the warm coppery blood coat her tongue. She was hurt enough from this fight, but this physical pain was a lot easier then any sort of emotional guilt.
Glenn was the first person she had "met" in this strange new land. His figure had been still and unconscious then too, but it had been temporary. It wasn’t the first, and she assumed there would never be a last. It had almost become a game for them. An inside joke each time she chided him on his uselessness and his insults about her miserly ways every time she healed him (for a nominal fee).
She had pumped every drop of healing magic she could have done into the lifeless corporeal form. But the magic had made no difference. His chest never rose again. Never fell. Ame's usual quip fell lifeless too, covered by the taste of blood and ash and regret for her stubborn ways.

While she knew that she was being selfish; that her selfishness knew no bounds but she couldn't stop herself from yelling at Bucky. Bucky was much closer to Glenn than she was. They had taken to each other like brothers, yet she knew what he had wanted to do before he had taken a step to his fallen friend. And she wouldn't let him. Over her own dead body would she let anyone strip Glenn of his beloved weapons now. Not while they still had hope of resurrection. He probably laughed at her self-absorption from beyond the veil. He probably thought she wanted all of his goods for herself. Or maybe it didn't surprise him.
The sounds of ferocity and anger towards Alduin started to become overbearing. Somewhere in the back of her heart she felt the ferocity building inside her as well. But she couldn't give into it as well. Now absolutely wasn't the time, otherwise there would be even more bloodshed then there already was.
She sang under her breath, pulling herself away from the corpse. Now was not the time for feelings. Hadn’t Biki said he needed power? And now she realized she needed it too.
“Don't say goodbye
Don't say, I didn't try...
These tears we cry
Are falling rain.”
The inky blackness swam within her mind as she let her body go. It was a known darkness. A source of pain, but also of hope. His deep voice blew into her mind like an ice cold wind.
"My dear Amethyst. None of those were lies. As a loyal friend, I was always there for you. I will never say goodbye."
Barely above a whisper, she replied to him. "Just take your piece of me. And take the promise for a favor you fiend."
The stab of pain corseted through her like a gunshot. Her demon lord laughed his gentle amusement into her ear as she fell to her knees. “Another part gone” she croaked, as she felt the knowledge and power come into her in payment to her tears. Likely too little, too late.
His voice sang to her as it floated away, ever matter the plane of existence. Cruelty was always beautiful in his deep tenor voice. She imagined it always would be to people like her.
"And you will weep
When you face the end alone...
You are lost!
You can never go home..."