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Tue 22nd Dec 2020 11:36

Welcome Home

by Amethyst Ume

The soft pillows beneath her feet and beautiful jeweled colors around Amethyst did not calm her in their splendor. In fact it was quite the opposite. Ame’s body went rigid and the hairs on her body stood up in fright. Goosebumps and a cold sweat broke over her brow as she surveyed her new surroundings.
If I’m here...does that mean?
Immediately Ame clutched at her throat, then felt around her head, heart and other vital points on her body. Whatever that bastard host did to her it didn’t outwardly mar her. And it was unlikely she had been poisoned either. Which meant…
“That’s right my pet. I have you now, finally, body and soul.”
His warm honeyed words rolled over her like a steamy rose cream bath, rich and luxurious. Amethyst swung her body left to right, bringing her hands across her chest and rubbing her arms to calm herself, looking for the source of the voice.
“Deals are deals love. Now why don’t you calm down a little?” Unexpectedly a fine mahogany wood table appeared across the room, covered and over its weight in delicacies across the world. Rare meats smoked and sizzling with perfect. Dainty sweetened flower crystals spun like spider’s silk. Bowls and bowls of soups, vegetables, side dishes and drinks throughout the future. Somehow, despite the assortment the scents all worked together in an enticing melody of fragrances.
The smell made Ame’s throat close.
“Ah, not hungry I see. Perhaps it would be best to see you face to face.”
The smorgasbord and table dissolved as fast as they came. In its place the face of Amethyst nightmares appears.
His tawny brown hair fell back in a sophisticated wave as reddish golden eyes glowered at her shrunken form. Giving away his disapproval the strong stubbly chin was hard set and his pink perfect lips were thin and disappointed.
Even at this distance she could see his muscles strain against the silken tunic and undershirt. He wasn’t overtly muscular but his body was built for strength.
She could tell as he crossed his arms as well in disapproval.
“Well, what are you waiting for my dear?”
Suddenly, as quick as a snake Amethyst dropped her shivering act and took off at the nightmare she always knew was coming for her. The zills in her hands quiver as magic pulsed from her hands to her intended target. Enchantments like lyrics pour from her lips as she throws every spell at him in quick succession.