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Sat 2nd Nov 2019 10:58

Letter To Dad

by Amethyst Ume

I’m sorry for proving people right about us. I was a child and a fool. I thought I was clever and talented. I wanted more than a gypsy existence, slowly chiming our tailed tambourines on dirty tavern streets while people looked at us with suspicion. I wanted to show I had talent even the gods couldn’t deny. No matter our heritage. I would make a name for myself and our family.
When I entered the temple with the other bards; they taught me new instruments. They bathed us with milk and dressed us in silks. The clerics stayed hidden in their gold and white robes as they watched us preform. Weeding out the weakest while we learned songs and stories from each other. I was so naive.
It was a beautiful temple father, and they accepted me despite my horns and tail. Despite our forever curse. I thought I could be someone special. The first tiefling paladin to the god of music. Cleric even! I would do what Drizzt Do’Urden did for drow and make the world a better place.
I can’t tell you too much. This letter may fall into the wrong hands and be used to track me. All I can say is I’m being hunted now. Keep away from anyone baring the mark of broken trade scales. For I have stepped into a power I do not want as the cost is too steep.
I love you.