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Sat 11th Mar 2023 12:32


by Beef

He’s alive.
They’re both alive.
Everyone is
By the spirits, Yvelda, you have no idea how… scared I was. At first I was quite perturbed at the presence of those many-armed… ‘monstrosities,’ but when Mayday got pulled back, and when Artemis collapsed, I—
I’ll be honest, I am… quite blanked out as to the occurrences after Artemis’ fainting. I remember getting pulled back, yes, and then getting teleported elsewhere, but…
But it’s fine. As long as everyone is alive, as long as everyone’s okay, then it’s fine.
Gosh. I… I do believe that what I am feeling is rather… relieved, almost? Granted, not all is well. Not at all. I can see that the encounter with the spikey-armed lumberer has left Mayday in a horrible state of mind, but I don’t quite think it’s my place at the moment to offer him support, if he even wishes for it. I, for one, find myself relating to the sense of just… being left, for a moment. Not alone, just… left. In quiet. To calm my mind, as it were. And, well… you were always the best at giving me that.
You’ve missed out on quite a lot. Or, rather, I’ve missed out on telling you quite a lot. We’ve acquired a prisoner, a band of refugees who we are currently escorting towards a town, and an old friend. Aust, well… he’s a good addition to the party. Extremely capable and well-versed in combat. Certainly a respectable fighter.
Oh, and… ah, I’ve been rather lax in my writing duties haven’t I? I have yet to even mention the fact that Everska, it’s…
I cannot… agree with what Elion has done. In fact, for the first time in… well, actually, it wasn’t that long ago where I found myself thinking similarly. That aside, however, I… don’t enjoy that we are lugging along a man who’d chosen to sacrifice one city for another. I understand the reasoning behind it, and from what little I’ve drawn of their discussions, I can see why he’d do such a thing if his clan was truly in such dire straits, but it simply places this… sour note on the tip of my tongue. It was certainly a difficult decision, just not one I don’t believe I would’ve made were I placed in his position, nor one I would’ve been able to accept the casualties of were I ever to make it.
Ah, but it’s getting rather late now. That encounter with the… beasts was quite unpleasant. It also left me with a new scar embedded below my ribs. Isn’t that just nice? I suppose just another to be added to the tally, and another hole I’ll have to sew close.
Oh, not in me, no no! I was never as adept with medicinal treatment as you were. No, I was just referring to my cloak. It’s gotten rather ragged over the course of this journey, and I find myself wanting to patch it up. I’m unsure as to how I might accomplish this, considering I know only the bare basics of needlework, but a few simple stitches should at least keep it structurally sound. For now.
I really should take it into a needlesmith’s soon, though. Especially if we truly are making our way to the north. I’m certain the others would enjoy the extra layers.

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