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Sat 11th Mar 2023 12:38


by Beef

Guess what I've learned today, Yvelda? [Play-ing]! Or... [improvh]? [Akting]? I'm not certain of the proper terminology, simply that it was rather enjoyable! At least, more enjoyable than the combative showcases back home. What's even better is that I was actually able to participate in this one! Though... I don't think I was all that good, aha.
Yes, when that boar appeared I'd...
I'd certainly panicked, let us say kindly. I hadn't witnessed one of my spirit's kind for so long, and seeing it set ablaze sent me into a panic. And having failed at dousing said fire, I
Well, I shan't repeat the thoughts that'd run through my head in that moment. Today was a rather good day, all things considered! I got to use that lovely ritual you taught me, I was able to pretend to be a shepherd for a short period of time, and I was given ample room upon a billboard to express my since dormant creativity with the party's purchased paint supplies, creating an ['advertaizment!'] Rather unfortunately, I was unable to visit that needlesmith as I'd previously mentioned in my last entry, but no matter! I just so happened to recall that [Meidei] was capable of mending broken materials with one of his spells. He'd done so previously on my mentor's axe, and it'd done wonders for it! I'm considering asking him to help mend my cloak, though I'm not fully certain if he'd wish to fulfil such a benign request, ahaha...
Oh, and [Meidei's] new haircut looks lovely. I should remember to tell him that next time. Remind me, won't you?

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