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Sat 11th Mar 2023 12:40

An In-between

by Beef

Well, this is new. I don't think I've ever written here during a period of time that wasn't moments before slumber, but I suppose it's always good to try new things! That, and [Meidei] has stared at that... disconcerting creature for quite a length of time, and I find myself seeking things to do in the meanwhile.
Let us start with this morning, shall we? The day'd started rather surprisingly, as [Reeo'd] decided to approach me to ask about the magical glaive. I'd been happy to show it to him, and I was most pleasantly surprised to see he could perform some rather impressive tricks with it! I offered to give him the glaive, and to my surprise, he was rather-- well, surprised!-- at my offer. He'd described his abilities as a mere fluke, and I joked that simply meant he had a natural talent for handling such weapons. Thinking back on it now, however, I will make a slight correction in that I didn't actually 'give' the glaive to him. I lent it to him, rather, offering to take it back should he ever decide he has no desire to wield one. I am aware of his capabilities as a spellcaster, and though I myself am rather untrained in said field, I know from observation that he is not personally one for the frontlines. Still, that is why I offered to take it back should he wish to return it. I do hope he finds his own use for it.
Ah, and our experiment. [Reeo'd] taken out his quarterstaff and asked me to strike him. I'd been somewhat hesitant at first, given his... nonthreatening build, but ever a sucker for following the wishes of a friend, I'd complied.
Which was a... bad idea.
His reaction time had been woefully inadequate in halting my strike; I'd unwittingly put my full strength into it, causing him what I can only imagine was intense pain, and a terrible stomachache.
Thankfully I managed to soothe his wounds, though not before apologizing profusely. He'd reassured me, informing me that 'it was all cool, dude,' and we'd resumed our experimentation, though this time I made sure to exercise more caution.
I casted another spell, this one appearing as a colorful and quite lovely array of blinking lights, and that seemed to withdraw a reaction from the quarterstaff. [Reeo] informed me that it was likely resistant to magical damage, as it was crafted from parts of that terrible, awful snail they'd defeated, and I found myself glad that at least some usefulness was drawn from that... unfortunate encounter.
Afterwards, the town's attention had been drawn towards the sight of a man dragging one of those unsettling constructs behind his horse. He'd stopped and a small crowd gathered around him, including several members of the party, and we'd all watched as he began to violently bash at the metallic creature's head, demanding answers as to its allies. It'd responded... frighteningly, rather, echoing his words in a most unnerving manner...
Once the creature became unresponsive, the man appeared to lose interest, leaving the body in the street as the crowd began to dissipate. The three of us-- [Artehmiss,] [Meidei] and I-- rushed towards the heap. In the distance were quickly approaching guards, one of them even calling out to us. [Artehmiss,] ever quick on his feet, managed to approach them himself and distract them with some sort of rambling related to our previous encounter with the mechanical miniatures. While he was doing that, [Meidei] gestured for me to pick up the automaton, and I did so.
Actually, now that I recall, [Meidei] has been rather...
Ah, distractions, distractions. Apologies.
As I was writing, I picked up the creature with little difficulty, though what occurred next was... unpleasant to say the least. [Meidei] casted the same spell he'd tried to perform on me last time, though I allowed him to do so this time around. The resulting journey was beyond destabilizing, as I found myself being transported through space itself, finding my destination to be the roof of the church we'd set up camp beside. The resulting tumble was slightly less nausea-inducing, as I landed in soft dirt instead of very hard roofing. My fall had drawn the attention of [Reeo,] who'd come over to question me as to my unusual entrance, and I'd opened my snout to speak when the metallic construct landed beside me.
After explaining the situation, [Reeo] assisted me in hefting the construct towards the cart, where we rested it against one of the wheels. [Artee] and [Meidei] reappeared soon after, thus we commenced our impromtu autopsy.
Well, I use the words 'we' and 'our' liberally. [Meidei] is performing a ritual to identify the strange creature, while [Artehmiss] and I are keeping lookout.
Still, I cannot help but get the shivers whenever I glance over at the battered construct. It is actively decaying as [Meidei] examines it, and I find the speed at which it is doing so...
Urgh. Terrible. Awful.
It does appear that [Meidei] is finishing up though, and that means this journal entry must come to an end. I'll inform you if anything else interesting happens, and when I finally ask [Meidei] to help me with my cloak. And also when I give him that compliment. By the spirits, I'm getting so forgetful.

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  1. Yuja
  2. Alive
  3. Marros?
  4. Play-ing!
  5. An In-between