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The Slanty Tower of Prismeer

by Violet Raine

We head toward the slanty tower on the back of the snail. He moves a lot slower than the racing snails. As we look into the water we see visions. I see a satyr in a cage over a lake, hes sitting in a chair. I cant tell if he is distressed. Alya sees a scary lady with a meat clever. We get to the tower and see the basket dangling from the tower. Alya yells and a voice comes from the basket and says to be quiet. Two giant snakes show up and offer to eat us or for us to get them the person in the cage. Violet decided to go ahead and attack the snakes because they were jerks. She kills one of them and EJ kills the other and it explodes into a flower garden. We save a fairy dragon and he wants us to get him out of a magic cage. He says a goblin from Telemy Hill might have a key to get him out. He says that the witches have stopped time and imprisoned Zablena in a time freeze. Then the coven took over the Hither Tither and Yawn realms for themselves. One of the witches is a frog and sends minions that look like frogs out to do her bidding. Jingle Jangle the goblin will have a key to unlock Sir Talavar's cage. We get her truffles in exchange for getting out Sir Talavar from his cage. She eagerly goes in to help and finds a key to open the cage. There's a clink and the cage is open. Being in a cage is Jingle Jangle's greatest fear. The best guide in Hither is in downfall, he's a scarecrow, named Clapperclaw. He hangs out in Downfall, which is up north.
Sir Talavar runs off and there is a note on the sword/dagger that says Our Valor Will Not be Forgotten.
Violet takes up the dagger and feels the magic flowing through it.
We attempt to open the gourds by force, but they wont open. Rob says they are magic and we need an unlocking spell.
Bavlorna is the evil frog hag.
We go past a well and Petra sees some lights circling. We head over and Violet doesnt want to look. Petra explains that we are going to save the realm for Zablina. They bless Rob, Petra, and EJ. They recommend that we get a boat. They were drowned by the hags and became ghosts.
We head through a clearing and notice red skinned pointy eared thing in the marsh grass. It has a golden veil on. I offer the cage to it but it continues on without it.
It is walking on stilts and has eggs on its back.
We next encounter a bog with bones of dead in it. It is an old battlefield. Violet says that we should look for gear in the battlefield just in case there is something that we could use. Ej sees a suit of armor stand straight up. Ej says the battle is over and that it can rest now. They appear to be mirroring our movements.
No easy way to get them on the snail and their enchantment is tied to the battlefield.
We arrive at the brigands tollway!
Coolest moments: Pipis distracted the snakes with the basket illusion. The hair smoke that lifted EJ. The three spirits that agreed to help us fight Bavlorna.