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Come Hell or High Water, We Are Going Hither

by Violet Raine

We head back to Hither. We decide to do a bit of exploring before hunting for the unicorn horn hardcore. We go to the northern lake and see a lakehouse just offshore. I make a fancy raft out of boardwalk and yucca rope. It is probably the best raft I have ever made with rudimentary materials. We sail out to the island and Rob notices that there are skeletons guarding the door to the house. He watches for a while and notices that they loop their actions and that they are probably and illusion. We call out and no one answers. We head up to the front door and knock. A voice yells, go away. Then it claims that there is a beholder in there and that he is dead.... I open the door and look for traps, saying that we are going to help the with the beholder. I see a trip wire rigged to a stack of books by the door and tell the group. An illusion of a beholder comes toward us and I just ignore it. The voice says, fine come in, walk where I walk to avoid traps. I dont want you here but I have to offer you tea. He is a small half orc man named Sprig. He wants to be alone with his books. He knows everything about us and he doesnt like adventurers because he used to be one and everyone died. So he want to be alone with his books. He gives us a scroll of locate object to get us to go away. I want him to adopt me and be my grandpa. He says no. He says that Pipis breath still smells like blood. He has a private convo with Petra and she is upset when we leave. Then a sucker comes floating toward her from the lake and it is dry and pristine. ... I try to get it to do something for me but nothing happens.
We go to the Brigands Tollway and talk to some bunnys about what happens with the memories after they steal them. He says he doesnt know they just go to Bavlorna. They are also vegetarian and their breath does not smell like blood. They also havent seen a unicorn horn.
We decide to go have a rest on the Hill and to see our snail buddy. He is happy to see us and has gotten fat from all the apples. Jingle Jangle has not seen a unicorn horn.
We go to Bavlornas and ask her where she lost the unicorn horn. She says in yond at her sisters and takes our air elemental gift from Rob. High price, feels like we have been had. We get into long discussions about whether or not we should just kill the hags, I crave violence and the great hunt. They remind me that they want to get the kids out and the boggle oil and that Scabbetha still has something of theirs that they want back so they probably need her alive. At their request, I will hold off on my blood thirsty bow.