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Tickets Upon Arrival?

by Violet Raine

We head to the carnival to buy tickets and are approached by a guy who says we cant buy tickets here. He asks for our names and after I give him mine, he says is my last name Raine. I said yes and he scampered off to and came back with tickets in a box with S.M. on it. Ejike goes to grab a ticket and I slap his hand. I felt a weird sensation like I knew him already, but not sure. Suddenly feeling embarrassed I hand him a ticket. We enter the carnival and we go to the Lost and Found. We meet a cat tentacle person that is playing with kids. The kid snatches something from lost and found and she snatches it back and scares the kid. We go to find the kid and convince him to go back. He agrees. We move on to a faerie dragon catching contest. I lose. We move to the Snail races and become jockeys for a punch. I rode the black snail, Queen's Majesty, and tied with Ejike on the pink snail named shelly moo. I got a advantage potion from winning. promised the snail candy. I ask Ejike if he wants to go on a candy date. He agrees. I blush. Weird feelings.
We see a halfling bend down on one knee in front of a cart and a female halfling laughing hysterically, he runs into the tent of illusions sobbing. We go to the hall of illusions and meet the mime at the ticket punch station, he gives up when the halfling runs by him. He asks us on paper to go get him with no charge. We agree. We brought out Reuben a sobbing halfling to safety outside. saw a spooky girl in a pig mask in the mirrors. apparently she told Reuben if he had regrets she can help and to follow her. I grabbed him and broke the charm. We leave and his fiance takes him at the entrance to another place.
The mime at the gate of the hall of illusions says he wishes he could propose but his voice was stolen. I say I will find his voice. He said that pipi was looking for it and we should meet up with him. He said it was taken by a small black bird up to the north lake. a kenku. this kenku is causing chaos.
We head over to find Pipi napping and convince him to do his job.
The big top tent is having an opening ceremony. We go in and at the end of the events, they ask for anyone from the crowd that has impressive talents. Ejike raises his hand and I panic and raise mine. We do a dexterity feat with me shooting arrows at Ejike and he catching them out of the air. It is an amazing performance with roars from the crowd. We leave and go on our candy date. It is fun and not much on the date side, well kinda but we discuss having secrets and my need to not be able to keep them. His desire to keep them because he has strong shoulders.
We feed the snails candy thus keeping my promise.
The others attend a custard eating contest. I think Alya won against her toughest opponent.... Petra.
We go to look for the kenku at the lake and find a person that is heckling the mermaid song show. They seem to be able to through their voice everywhere. We notice them notice us and they go behind a cart and come out looking like a woman. I am the only one that notices, but I hide it well and EJ and I tail the heckler.