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A Tad-Pole-itical... Episode 7

by Violet Raine

We meet a bullywug in a jail cell. He helped Sir Talivare escape. We ask her about Illig. She thinks its one of the larger houses on the end of town, a duke he believes. We see a spooky balloon made of glass and a storm trapped inside. The two inside, Bobble and Trinket are super creepy. They cant be trusted. They want the color of your eyes or the rhythm of your step for payment. Violet walks away. She's creeped out. Pipis trades his brown red eye color for the moonlight monocle so he can see at night.
We go to Illig and he tells us of his plan to kill the king by fake tripping with a dagger. We tell him to hold off on that because Bavlorna already wants to kill him. He agrees, and tells us about her cauldron just north of his house. We go to the cauldron and I speak to the fire. The fire is called Magmin.
Magmin is under a cauldron. That is his purpose. He makes a deal with Rob to provide him with dry wood and he will tell him the password to deactivate the magical trap on her cauldron lid. Rob goes and sells his rhythm to the balloon merchants for good dry wood. We give it to the fire and he tells us the password is spickle spackle or something. We take a sample of the fluid in the cauldron and Violet puts a dragon fly in a small bit, it turns into a massive dragonfly and flies away. We take two waterskins full of it and then attempt to dismantle the potion. Rob tries pooping in it to try to ruin it but doesnt get the feeling that it changed much. We go to Bavlornas house and she is not in the room we enter into. It is a bathroom type area with a lily pad, a mirror, broken dishes (hoarder house like) and a well thats clogged. There are mannikins in the corner and one has a fancy black hat. The mirror wont come clean and the well comes unclogged when I put a plate in it. It is a gelatinous cylinder. Our first instinct is to run, because i dont know if we are allowed to kill it and also its scary. Petra decides to fight it so I stay behind and try to help her. Pipis runs off and get permission to kill the clog, unknown to us. Rob ends up getting blown up in a different room. Chaos happens. Pipis returns to the fight telling us we have permission to kill it. We kill it, but not before it hits Petra with its acidic schlorp tentacle thing. Seems like we might need to bandage Petra and Rob up before returning to Bavlorna to tell her that her shitter is unclogged.
Coolest moments: dumper in the cauldron, sexy flame guy that loved hard dry wood, talking with the Illig and his dagger to the eye of the king killing plan, bullywugs reigns are short because they are stupid and or petty, listening to the petty politics, exploring the tower while we are fighting the cube, selling eye color from Pipis and rhythm of Rob's step.