The Heartstone Effect by Pestilence/Naasith | World Anvil

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9th of the Citrine Moon, 352

The Heartstone Effect

by Pestilence/Naasith

I joined another group. Very diverse but I doubt they will keep me for long. The triton was rude but that was to be expected. The earth genasi took the leadership role very quickly but...something seems off. The aasimar makes me feel weird but he is nice...and dumb. The lizardfolk was fine, and the goliath and kobold seem to be good friends. I would like to be there friend one day. She has a snake too...
We saved the town of gnolls and giant spiders that the insolent wizard cast a spell on. We also met an old woman who gave us cake and pies. Yum. There was also a werebear...and an owl. I hope I see them again. Jonathan needs a hug. Kemia destroyed the heartstone and we gave it to the old woman.
No one asked about my snake tattoos...that is nice.

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  1. The Heartstone Effect
    9th of the Citrine Moon, 352
  2. Letter 4
    24th of th Citrine Moon, 352
  3. Letter 7
    27th of Citrine Moon, 352
  4. Letter 16
    30th of the Citrus Moon, 352
  5. Letter 18
    3rd of the Turquoise Moon, 352
  6. Letter 20
    10th of the Turqouise Moon 352