Letter 4 by Pestilence/Naasith | World Anvil

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24th of th Citrine Moon, 352

Letter 4

by Pestilence/Naasith

Dear Evelyn,
Gods, can you believe it? I'm on a sky ship! It's scary. I fucking hate heights. There was a cute tortle onboard as well who was queen of the kitchen. You would've loved her. She's just like Glee. Shit happened, had to fight pirates, played truth or dare drinking edition. Oh yeah and Faykeep is sending bombs or something to Aspain and we don't know why. I mean...we have inklings. Please make sure you and the rest of the family is safe.
Is Mom OK? Has she waken up yet? I know you haven't written me back but at least tell me how she is? Are the kids doing well in school? I hope so. I'm sending more money by the way. How's the farm? Are the cows nice and fat? Are the chickens still shitting in the kitchen? Are the sunflowers no longer blooming?
Well, now for the actual bits. There's this smarmy stupid snarky motherfucking bitch asshole named AbdulKareem who's...he gives me and my snakes bad vibes. I don't like him. He clearly steals shit I know he did. He stole my watch (that I stole) and is just....UGH I want to stab him in his eyes, feed them to vultures, and gut him alive like a trout. Kelt, one of the others, asked if I liked him. I almost stabbed her on the spot but she wants to be civil about everything. How can I explain to everyone that I do not like him!!! He reminds me of Sasha...and you know how that ended. I just...I don't want to get hurt all over again.
Kelt also talked to me about being a part of the group. I'd love to I really would but once I do they'll end up fighting or dying. Kelt literally died within the week I met her. I almost left then and there. But clearly Lunaecia has some big shit happening. There was also a cult thing back there that...I don't feel well. The voices get loud at night but luckily no one in the group notices. Kelt is getting too close and I don't want her to die like the rest.
So...Festival of Families was very somber since people on the ship died I guess. I missed you and the rest of those little gremlins. Ugh I feel sick. I miss your ice cream you used to make. And Mom's warmth. ANd playing hide and seek with those little brats.
Oh and we have a wolf which is great and cool. I'll write as soon as I can. Also pray I do not stab Abdul in his sleep. Or that I steal anything else of his. JK yes I will fuck him.

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  1. The Heartstone Effect
    9th of the Citrine Moon, 352
  2. Letter 4
    24th of th Citrine Moon, 352
  3. Letter 7
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    30th of the Citrus Moon, 352
  5. Letter 18
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