Letter 16 by Pestilence/Naasith | World Anvil

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30th of the Citrus Moon, 352

Letter 16

by Pestilence/Naasith

Dear Glee,
Hey there Gumdrop! It's been awhile. Everything is fine! I got you a beautiful music box today, a...friend...helped me buy it for you. Happy birthday! I also went to a really nice party last night. It was very nice and I was like a princess. How is Evelyn? Is she still mad at me? What about your brothers? Is mom ok? I am going to send more money for your birthday! But, remember to keep up with your studies! No cheating! Helpe Evelyn around the farm!
Anyway, my...friends...are cool. I gave them flowers for friendship day. I would still give you pansies like you love. If i could. But they'd dry out in the post. But, yes, I was at a lavish party. There was beautiful food and dancing and we helped someone today. You'd be so proud!
There was...someone else there who was not so good but my group and I handled him well. And then...I had fun dancing. Dancing with flames and things. The most fun I had in a long long time. Do you remember Sasha? and Abdul? Well, they are less alike than I thought. I mean I still think he's a butthole and I hate his guts but...I appreciate his...being around. It was nice that he helped me buy your music box and help with my clothes. But that doesn't mean he's not an asshole.
What am I saying? I keep falling and getting close to these people I'll end up hurt again. It's why i don't come home. Not for awhile. Not until I can face Evelyn and get rid of these stupid tattoos.
Sorry, I love you. I promise this group will be better. I promise I'll be home and we can be a family together. Hug mom for me. And if she wakes up kiss her for me.
Your older (better) sister that can do sick magic tricks. Naasith.

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  3. Letter 7
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