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Mon 30th May 2022 02:05

He gave up more than he knew?

by Eethyl Benzoin

I worked on the mage from the ravine today. I'm really disappointed by my findings. This was a person that grew and mutated into this thing over time. He must have been cursed or carried a cursed item? This was by far one of the strongest curses or magical effects on a person I have heard of or witnessed. I wish Morai was here. She would be able to tell me more.
The equilibrium must have been punctuated...with the socket and lack of supporting structure as well as the nose / cheek bones. The amount of power constantly working within this must have been a curse from a greater power of some sort. With bone structure in a human changing at the rate it does this person must have suffered for a long time before coming to this form.
Most of all the creature seemed to be missing its true self entirely. I have never witnessed that before. How do you or what magic could possibly pull those two parts apart? I thought that was impossible. And what must that torment be? To have your body injured is one thing. But to have your inner self ripped apart or one part pulled out of the body? This creature wasn't even a full being I'm sure. It is like the husk of one. I'm not sure even the demons themselves would find interest in the remains of this soul. And what became of the two halves?
Keep perspective. This is not normal. I imagine this person must have made a pact with Asmodeus himself or was a creation of a being or magic that lacked the power to create? Either way. Keep focused. This one wasn't for me to save or guide. These five need attention more than this poor fellow. Still lots of good to do. Oh my. So much to do.
Light source for Wolf.
Harvest sap / rosin and set up processing. - Turp,Glu,Tar,
Finish lab set up.
Help Sila with form?
Begin mixing journal?
Or figure out metal infusion? I really don't want to. They are strong enough aren't they?
Comfort Damaia without pitting us against these three.
Get Keth to talk.
Reinforce the front door?
Figure out how Morai sets up the distilling.
Learn Pottery.
Glass blow appr ----
I hate lists. These just make you feel like there is never enough time. Just pay attention to one thing at a time. Ignore the brain confetti.
OH I could use the bone powder for preservation! That would be foggy do I care? no I don't think so. Should I keep the two parts whole or process now maybe pulp the bulk of the source and preserve the eye but howOH I could set it in no glass would be hot but maybe like a shell from the rosin? That might work like formed amber? Didn't I already consider theseI just need to start trying by the Abyss. Maybe that's how they make the crystal balls? That would be cobut wait were would it get its power? or like a lens it focuses from the one loo Darnit forget about how for now. I need to get moving or it will be lost. Rosin and processing first. They will want to leave soon if I can just get it to the lab I can get this doneOH I left my coffee I can get that before I hit the wood and maybe find something for Sila....