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Fri 19th Jan 2024 06:14

Notecard Notes

by Scrap Grover

Sharing all my notecard notes I have so we can try and make a collective document of information together
Many of these may be out of order since I didn't date them immediately but I will do my best to put them in order. People are free to add to this or copy all of this and put it in a group document on here somewhere.
Do correct me on if I'm wrong anywhere.
-5th month Cairith's Resolution, 21st day (500aay, Age of Ash)
-Session 1
-arrived day before, set up stall
-sold a little since people are poor, many offering to buy jewelry once they win
-competition is a musical one, winner gets 7 gold
-met Cyra and Collina, sold jewelry to then, Faye runs stall for me while we perform

  • we preformed very well, attacked by the Hedge and his bandit friends, a Vulpin and a few others flee

  • -we travel in a group to Meadowfin
    -We save a refugee named Cara Stormsinger from the fire after our visions about Ashbarrow
    -Session 2
    -heading to Winnowing Reach
    -fought bandits led by a female Vulpin named Fray, also a tailless Jerbeen there, she escaped
    -we saved Eliza Pennygleam (Eluran) and started travelling with her and her cart
    -Mokk fields has slimes, created town to keep slimes in check, was made in a hurry so mostly flat, less birdfolk
    -found fire bats, fought them and stopped the fire, found skeletons with runes on them, they were in a crater with another meteroite
    -Scrap learned skeletons can be people who chose to become it, Scrap "killed" one
    -someone used magic to spy on us (others I think put together it was Faye later but Scrap still doesn't know)
    -we offer people services if they give us letters to help us see the council
    -Scrap met Remington and they caught up, he paid him his guild dues
    -Scrap got blue ink and dyed his hair
    -Cyra heard Scrap's necklace hiss and click, they and Collina think it is a reptile/or taloned bird folk, Scrap doesn't notice
    -woke up hungover
    -3rd Session
    -headache, hungover
    -agreed to attune with the necklace later
    -go find young Corvus in caverns called Kenna, Collina knows her, she's a student obsessed with slimes
    -Scrap gets 2 vials and a book about Sky Rocks (2 get goo from the boss slime, 1 gets blue/purple goo)(he also gets a pocket full of moss) , used 1 ration
    -we killed 11 slimes and the boss
    -made some goo jewelry with Kenna, using 1 vial of red goo and moss
    -attuned to necklace, couldn't understand his language, sharp rough voice, heard hiss and clicks (Fortress Scorched, Fallen, Scrap)
    -Necklace gained more power, Cyra got "Laughter, Fallen, Foolish, Big-ass Jerbeen", also all sounded like one language, it asked if Scrap is a Jerbeen, didn't know about Mapachs
    -names of people who might have tried to steal Scrap's necklace (Professor Nightseed Necromancy teacher/Revayne Divination teacher/Mr. O.)
    -4th Session
    -woke up with a bit of a headache
    -Strig Perchguard recognized Collina, and Scrap ended up leaving the group after arguing with a aguard
    -we got a job to go kill Swamp witch, who is summining demons, Mayor wants proof
    -Faye decided to stay behind with the stall
    -we find a Shrine to Fenwin god and a small demon
    -Necklace doesn't like the writing around the shrine (abyssal)
    -found hut with the witch (hedge) named Susan
    -we picked her some herbs, frogs, and ended up killing large toad that ate Cyra
    -ended up fighting off a demon Susan summoned, she is giving up summoning them, she gave us some potions, and her "crown" to prove her death
    -Collina try to attune to Fallen, knows it's not a wind language, saw teeth and feathers
    -Scrap found a scale outside
    -got a Scroll of Understand Languages, performed attunement with Cyra and necklace, finally learned it's name is Fallen
    -5th Session
    -Fallen wants spellbooks/other meteroites/language books/living things
    -he says he is a carnivore, did not like being licked, absorbs food a bit
    -get snippets of what he looks like when dreaming, snout with teeth, orangish eyes, feathers everywhere, face goes white-grey on snout, black around eyes and down the side, orange/brown on cheek area
    -next day got breakfast, checked on spellbook prices (too high)
    -left town with ELiza
    -found a Reya shrine on the road the next day
    -slept in the nest item after bandit attack, ther Jerbeen seemed to work for Vulpin Fray
    -learned Cervin woman missing an ear leads the bandits
    -got a net
    -Fallen found Reya's shrine strange, remembers her different
    -got mauled by forest prowler, used nest to escape
    -Corvum was watching us
    -another day we meet a Tender named Havel of Autmn Moon (Gallus)
    -got to Alderheart, heard about an Ash Knight Strig from Ashbarrow named Riffin
    -Wooden Flaggen - Riffin may be there
    -bandits are getting in Alderheart, Vulpin Fray leader making camp nearby
    -Faye has bad balance due to head trauma
    -Cyra doesn't taste good, too salty, Cyra had a date
    -2nd day at the tree (5/30)
    -woke up with Faye gone, at at a cheap place and got pickpocketed by young Jerbeen
    -went to the guild headquarters and met the leaders there: Coldcheap (Corvum), Drake (Cervan), Greytail (Jerbeen) - theft control
    -Greytail knows he steal but can't orive itm Scrap hid a sundial watch where she can find it
    -we got Cyra new clothes and a contract for them
    -Fallen stole a spellbook from Eliza by absorbing it, learns 9 spells*
    -we heard about a village destroyed by fire
    -Brackenmill is getting more complicated wanting more pay
    -Scrap learns his mom is in the mountain bandit camp
    -Benna Seridan - new leader of the Bandit coalition"
    -fought bandits that attacked Alderheart, now deemed heroes, sent to chase bandits with Riffin
    -we get a chest of coins (185) divided up , a collection of small gems (worth 250 gold), 1 silver bowl (worth 5 gold)
    -fought bandits in a camp, killed Fray, Scrap gets Boots of Speed
    -learn Faye doesn't like Fallen
    3rd day at Alderheart
    -learn Collina is a stolen egg? (later learn she was sold)
    -shopping: get hair dye, bookshop, Eliza shop, guild, clothes
    -Faye gave Scarp's letter to his mom to the mail
    -ScraP got a new outfit: flowy, dark blue like night sky, shows chest fluff, used to show off Fallen
    -go to the salon, getting hair dyed normal but with a white streak
    -got generic history book for Fallen, Cyra got him porn, got book to learn Cervan
    4th day at Alderheart (6th month. 7th day, yr 500)
    -look for food/books/luxury items/instruments
    -learned that there are issues in supply chain to the college, bodies are being stolen
    -also notified of a Vulpin with a chipped ear who is wanted, you are to find them and turn them in (Scrap leaves a gem for Greytail to find at the guild)
    -got Fallen 2 scrolls, Find Object* and Magic Missle*
    -found out Fallen was in an old rock, moved to the meteorite when it landed and ate its inhabitant
    -going to find others
    -know that Collina knows the family she was taken from
    -got tarot reading, showed like hero journey though Scrap didn't notice the last card was rotated so it might end badly
    -Collina and Scrap get Fallen to talk more, a big calamity had happened, Fallen claiming a pyromancer made it worse or ignored a problem
    -we got Faye new tarot cards
    5th day at Alderheart
    -some bandit prisoners are being interrogated and we go to watch
    -learn that Benna Cyradin is their leader, and we know the exact location of the base (couldn't get much out of the Mapach in the prison)
    -Scrap is out looking for a theif fir Greytail and given some names to search for: Ford (warehouse, Hedge), Bradley (store, Vulpin), Lil (hotel, they were housing a robber and some other sus people)
    -Robber was refugees, so we let them go, was a whole mess and Scrap wants no more work from Greytail
    -Woke up hung over and exhausted, went to set up shop in trunk market, and got robbed but didn't notice
    -got slapped by someone when drunk, learned it was Fallen using mage hand later
    -A hedge quizzed up and then said to ask Faye about Mortoris
    -Scrap had flirted with Cyra and apparently had with Fallen as well when drunk
    -going to council (6/10)
    -Scrap made his pact and now his body feels cold
    -Scrap got Fallen a scroll of Counterspell* last night
    -Main council: Bita Whitehail (Gallus Peacock), Jagger Rustquil (Strig Barn Owl), Coldhatch (Corvum, Galah bird), Fair Tweet (Luma Robin), Basil (Raptor, Bald Eagle)
    -council sent us on a quest to assassinate/diplomatically talk to the bandit leader
    -"whorehouse" owned by Madam Diamond Firebristle (birdfolk Raptor), Hedge from earlier's name is Doe Firebristle, learn Faye's family is the one that owns it and Doe is her sister
    -got equipment for the trip
    -went out stealing, got vial of Dragon's Blood, highly addictive stimulant which is dangerous and unpredictable, used to enhance magic
    -Others see Fallen during dreams
    -left to head to the mountains, make it to a special land area with large elk and weird grass
    -found piece of Elk god shrine in the pond
    -fought some large wolf spiders and save a perch guard
    Day 15 6 month
    -at the base of the mountain
    -evaded bandits near the base, found a large skeleton curled around the mountain (marine and old)
    -fought mountain lions and found a pheasant Gallus named Tat
    -Scrap making a decent map of area
    -Tat said several meteroites fell here over the years on the mountain
    -Scrap got a spy glass and is repairing it
    -Scrap also gets the contract from Fallen that night
    Day 16
    -Fallen showed Scrap what the bones looked like alive, scared him
    -we left Tat, he gave Scrap 1 meteorite
    -we go up the mountain, Scrap finds his mom and the goat man she punched. Scrap tries to talk to her but she's a bitch, he gives her 50 gold for her house key at the bandit camp
    -take goat man back and stay at the house awaiting a meeting with Benna
    Day 17
    -prepped to talk to Benna
    -goatman came to get us, getting alot of attention
    -we all spare with Benna as a test after she reads the letter
    -Scrap disarmed her of her dagger so got to keep it
    -talked with goatman about the council
    -we are staying another day to get Benna's letter as a response to take back
    -we ate with a Crane named Everlight who has been helping to get slaves out of Brackenmill, offers to help Scrap with his dad
    -we are being escorted around by a Captain Vulpin male who Scrap can't get the name of
    -a Hedge controls the housing here at the camp
    -Cyra gets glomped by their old teacher when we get back to the house
    -weird rumors we hear about Alderheart: the hole, the shrine, the tree has eyes, caves underneath, doesn't lose leaves in winter
    -learned Odwald/Riffin/Susan travelled together (Mister O?) at Avium
    -never got goatman's name or Vulpin Captain's
    -Collina had her gold turned into teeth, Fallen reversed it but claimed he didn't cause it
    -Scrap expertly played the Whirley Tube to scare a guard
    -saw Owlbear mom and pup on the way back, they killed some bandits, found Cyra's grandma's wheelchair and an unbreakable twig
    -made it to the Avium, saw Luma Shrine out front
    -Scrap wants to taste a flower off Cyra's horns
    -Eualia Selby - Collina's real name
    -found where we suspect bodies being brought in, Hedge brought them in, helped by a Luma (knocked on the door and handed over the package)
    -we went inside to ask about missing bodies, talked to a emo Turkey RA
  • Cyra saw a creepy Corvum who disappeared (was marked by their patron), he was coming out of Professor Nightseed's class

  • -Professor Nightseed hasn't had any interruptions, couldn't see that Corvum at all, tells us we need paperwork to see the Dean
    -he was concerned about our mention of the skeletons we've been seeing, they shouldn't be able to fight and be that far out, he plans on reaching out to the Dean
    -Scrap wants to poke around the Avium for any books from Fallen's time
    -stole a scroll for Fallen (unsure the spell), and Collina's ex bothered us (snooty Peacock)
    -we met the Hedge that has been transporting the bodies, said every 2 trips he gets attacked, no distinction for location, mostly birdfolk bodies, they have been bludgeoning him
    -2 twin brothers doing the transporting, 1 is dead (names are Hodge, Pidge), bug's name is Stinky
    -told us tales of an XL monster and Sea Serpent (Kim has the notes)
    -arrived at the council, gave the letter requesting the humblefolk join the council, we were rewarded a house
    -getting a house in Bright Hollow, getting 2 guards
    -we caught Faye up on all that happened
    -chose the "haunted house", Scrap tried to scare the guard, Fallen seems to be having a moment in this house
    -the guard who toured with us(and who will be stationed there) is Ib (Raptor, Golden Eagle), he is the one who recognized Collina before
    -we found an old Journal, written in an old language, Scrap used a spell to read it
    -Dream Journal: Gaspard Jerbeen god mentioned, also talks about water and a flippered being, "put another one away", leathery wings learned to fly, 125 yrs ago 3/12 year 375, killed another one, "simple dream...nice to me...god watching over me...didn't seem nice guy...bad deal...Assim, leader helping gods but isn't one" , talking about deer god, very detailed, shadow of them, talks of them attacking, talks of Sacred Grove, town burning, "They told me about..."
    -Scrap was hit with False death from Fallen to stop him reading the book more, causing them to fight
    -Scrap gets him a journel, spell book, and some ink
    -Fallen can talk to the main spirit in the house but not the spirits of the dead children or eggs
    -Fallen tells Scrap he was mad they slept apart
    -Scrap goes to the guild and asks Greytail for a letter to him with the body search, she was in a bad mood
    -went to Eliza's shop and signed autographs
    -visited Jasper who flirted with Cyra
    -when we got home, Faye brought blueprints and had Cyra do some attuning to find spirits
    -Faye suggested Scrap find help in the Avium for a way to steel his mind from Fallen or seal him
    -Fallen and the spirit have a yelling match but no one can understand, he pushes Scrap to get it exorcised, making them fight more
    -exorcism gets scheduled for 7/7
    -Scrap woke and made breakfast
    -agreed to go to Brakenmill, the guard or someone we trusted staying to watch over the exorcism (or Faye was going to head back early to make sure it goes well)
    -5 largest high family farms there: Selby, Rustquill, Whitehail, Goldenblood, Ebonhart (5th to 1st)
    -Scrap stole children's book to teach common to Fallen
    -Odwald was the last heir of Ebonhart family, family is basically eradicated now
    -on our way down, met people who saw Cyra's grandparents alive near Brakenmill
    -we learn Faye is from Saltar's port and has 4 siblings: 1 brother Ines (Corvum Bluejay), 1 other Lucy (Raptor Kingfisher), 2 sisters Doe (Hedge Hedgehog) and Zia (Vulpin African Wild Dog), and her mother is a Falcon
    -Faye's injury comes from a boat accident, and that's why she has bad balance
    -Motoris is a crush of Faye's, Doctor at the port
    -we find a hot spring and fight some steam monsters and a small demon
    -start out the next day and Scrap/Fallen still fighting
    -close to dark we find more skeletons and ember bats
    -not a meteroite this time, Scrap pockets one of their bones with a rune on it, others seen headed back towards the college, Scrap also takes some dirt from the site
    -bunker down for the night, Scrap and Fallen finally talk (done on FB)
    -Cyra made Fallen mad by disassociating when he tried to open up
    -at Brakenmill, Scrap showed the others a silk worm
    -found a Gallus Shrine
    -Goldenblood farm is where Scrap's dad is
    -met Scrap's dad, his mom had come and ransacked his house. We cleaned it up and left more gold around for him. He showed up and we had a long talk, learning that there was some suspicious things going on with his contract. Ended with him crying because Cyra went off on Scrap's mom. Scrap stayed the night to soothe his dad.
    -Goldenblood now the largest group since Ebonhart seems abandoned
    -Scrap's dad saw Fallen in his dreams
    -Faye stays in his house while we go see Collina's family, we go by and see 13 of them from a distance
    -council is holed up at Whitehail farm
    -met Cyra's family, they come off very sus and plan on meeting Cyra later , guards don't seem to like them even
    -we go to the house we own here and clean it up, used to be an old theives guild house
    -leaned Collina's family has even more eggs
    -Scrap's dad really likes Faye, and we learn that his dad and mom used to be thieves guild (how they met), he is willing to move into the house Scrap got him
    -we plan to try and get a copy of his contract and debt
    -met Cyra's parents again, went terribly but Faye got rid of them (heard scream but got no answers)
    -Scrap and Cyra wake up by being dumped down the stairs by Fallen using Disc Spell*
    -we left, child started us and Scrap ran them down causing them to fall in the mud
    -it was a Selby kid named Jackelyn, we brought them back, older sister hit Scrap for it
    -we found out Riften was around Ashbarrow when it burned but found himself elsewhere and safe after with memory loss, Faye mentioned a "friend" saved him but doesn't know who
    -we saw Tenders around the council, saw goatman, saw dove Tender we met before, Tevor of the Spring Path (Luma Pidgeon) and Havel of the Autumn Moon (Gallus)
    -debating on calling the convention "Wild Wood Brigade"
    -Collina found out we were sent for about the fire snake
    -we went to the Ebonhart house, saw Banshee inside along with skeleton, crawling hands, zombies, and ghosts
    -we found a staff and flying broomstick downstairs
    -decided to try going back into the house, Scrap sneaking in alone
    -Scrap and Collina get knocked out by the Banshee, she is cursing Odwald, when she dies she leaves behind money and feathers, Cyra and Fallen had deafeated the Banshee
    -got 20 gold, and 300 golds worth of jewelry
    -fought some slimes in the other room eating evidence and stuff
    -when mentioning on how to uncurse a place, Fallen went quiet
    -we got Wand of Secrets
    -skeletons left heading to Avium, Scrap gave them a note to contact us when they arrived
    -the house was filled with soot, acidic slimes consuming more, and found some destroyed spell components
    -found a sinkhole in the back house, seems to be where some things were hidden from inside
    -woke up early by Faye and sent to eat breakfast at Collina's family, had a decent time til the council sent for us
    learned Fallen made some spells: gentle repose and false death/life*
    -heading to the council, Tenders are with us at the meeting
    -fire snake is a new creature, killed several Tenders already
    -may not want to walk on the ground around it
    -we are being sent to kill fire snake along with Tevor, the Tender
    -we were given 25-30rations, cart & beetles, and Tevor can help cover healing or burns
    -Scrap plans on requesting his father's contract as payment after this
    -debating on seeing Susan to get potions
    -Tender told us how they were taught about the Grove
    -we see a shrine for Reya (Raptor god)
    -Fallen couldn't marry or have kids, refuses to share his domain, he has low CON
    -we slept 3 times on the trail then reached Winnowing Reach
    -fire resistence potion lasts an hour
    -Rooster Mayor of Meadowfin named Ardwyn
    -he asks us to run errands for him at the grove: bring remains of anyone they find
    -Cara asks for 7 ring/bracelets to be returned (silver, name and numbered)
    -Collina gets vision about the monster
    -Scrap saw a large ball of ember bats around a glowing orb
    -we see a spectre crying and catching things on fire
    -found old grave marked "O", we put a blue flower put on the grave to get rid of specter woman
    -we fought off the fire snake, saved a tender, also found there were many more snakes
    -we got separated from the tenders when something large came at us and we ran
    -we ended up in a cave with Fallen's help, realized it was the Aspect of fire chased us here
    -Fallen had us go downa tube slide into water, and we found 3 paths: Mokk lake, Roads, Central Hunt
    -deduced through chat that Fallen had Neonatal Tetanus
    -new species found in caves, stole our money but cave it back in exchange for food (Scrap left 1 gem)
    -Jabberwock - the big alligator thing we saw, they are all around Susan's swamp that she talks to
    -we went to Meadowfin to get the Tenders and the cart, found Tevor waited but the other Tender is gone
    -noticed that the tunnels must have changed time, we made it back way too fast
    -we turned in the remains to the Mayor, got 20 gold
    -Cara got her rings and offered us lessons: Scrap got stealth profiency, and got favored enemy: fiends + demons (+2 attack/damage)
    -made it to Winnowing Reach with Tevor and headed to Alderheart
    -Scrap got a bag of polished marbles from an awakened tree trap that was on the road
    -Scrap had to scroungecraft the wagon back together
    -Scrap finds a tiny piece of one of the thrown rocks from Scorched Grove far away from it
    -learned the council is back in Alderheart when we arrived
    -we went home and noticed we were being followed
    -we updated Faye on everything, it is possible Basil was spying on us
    -Fallen and Scrap have a heart to heart
    -we noticed someone tried casting magic on us when we wake up
    -Scrap made 8 sells running his stall again, he chatted with people about the council merger to learn names of people running
    -people competing seem to be Rustquil, Coalhatch, Krall: mapach bandit who seperated from Benna, causing issues with getting Mapach candidates
    -Cyra got a Scroll of Witchbolt* for Fallen
    -Coldcheep caught Scrap trying to leave Greytail a gift
    -Scrap got his efficient quiver
    -Scrap check on Faye, she's doing tarot, death falls out for him but she hides it and instead he gets Heirophant
    -Scrap made breakfast, he let Fallen wake Collina and she claimed to have weird dreams
    -we went to the roots to look for the Mapach shrine, after a humorous run around to chase it, Collina finds it after finding a disappearing white feather, the meeting was tense with Fallen saying the god didn't like him. Scrap offered up his mosiac tile and the unbreakable twig. The twig wilted and the god kept it, the tile was tossed aside and covered in an old language that feels like multiple different secrets
    -Fallen ends up in a puddle, Collina had been holding him but was possesed to drop him, she has no memory of this, Fallen goes silent
    -Scrap feels he shouldn't read the secrets out loud or ever give the tile to Fallen
    -we meet a Jerbeen named Squidge and Mapach named Hazelrot, they have been working on the sewers and are running for council
    -a Corvum named Raven is running against Coalhatch, we were "invited" to meet her and found out she is the leader of a gang here, we left with everyone feeling mixed about her
    -we catch Faye up about everything and go our separate ways
    -Scrap meets with Greytail and tells her about Raven, she says she would help take her down if it's done legally but not if it is a frame job
    -Faye smuggles Coalhatch into our house for us to meet, we make a deal with him on dealing with Raven and Odwald
    Last session I think?
    -Tenders gave us a feathered helm, a special item that when different feathers are inserted give different bonuses
    -we gave them gifts in return and exchange addresses
    -we informed the council about everything and that we think a summoner may be involved, they seemed to know something about it
    -Gabe Windsworth: the dean of the Avium (Sabel Luma)
    -got a letter from Bitta to speak to the dean about the Aspect of Fire and the missing bodies
    -council vote is on the New Year
    -Scrap spoke to Fairtweet to get his dad freed, she said it will be handled by Bitta (probablt going to be used as a smear campaign during the next vote)
    -we woke up and got ready to head to the avium
    -Faye did another Tarot pull for us, most got negative pulls, Scrap's was mostly good except his influence felt like it was negatively about Fallen (jokingly drew one card for Fallen and I got Death XD)
    -we leave with Faye and the cart, it all goes fine until we stop for the night, Scrap tries to talk to Faye about her disdain for Fallen which goes nowhere, but Fallen and Collina end up fighting leading Collina to be hit with fire
    -Scrap takes Fallen and they argue, he tries to contact Hoff but he gets nothing, him and Fallen argue more and he learns the mosiac tile can reveal things about Fallen that he doesn't want Scrap to know
    -the next day we spend having a long heart to heart conversation with Fallen and we all get a bit more of an understanding about each other
    -we also got a note from a skeleton that magically forces Cyra to eat it, the note was from Odwald warning us to stay away, we try to capture the skeleton but it turns to dust
    -when we get closer to the Avium we get attacked by undead mini dinosaurs that also turned to dust when killed (assuming they were sent by Odwald)
    -greeted by Rhys Birchwalker (new Conjuration teacher) she's been made our guide, found out she can't cast magic, Scrap gives her vial of Dragon's blood to maybe help her cast magic
    -Dean Windsworth (Luma Pidgeon) is the quirky Dean here, barely in his office, knows some about us, quick to put together other things (Scrap accidentally let Collina's family situation slip)
    -Mordane Swiftgale (head, around 70)
    -Scrap learns transmutation is the school to animate something, wants to chat with students to improve his body for Fallen
    -we start researching at the library, the back section separated by topic (main ones are: scorched grove/calamity/elemental creatures/conjuration)
    -Scrap looks over ancient history books but gets nothing other then base knowledge and map descriptions, he lets Fallen read with him
    -learns the old world epicenter was where the scorched grove is
    -Collina finds old elemental books with sections ripped out, so we go look for the dean to alert him but can't find him (we do tell the librarian though)
    -we also learn that an old powerful necromancy book has gone missing (Necronomicon ex Corvis), believed to still be in the school
    -Scrap gets mittens from Rhys for the blood
    -we find the dean finally and tell him about the damaged and missing books, he wants to avoid bias so doesn't tell us who he suspects, has us continue our investigation and he is waiting to see if an "event" happens to us while at the school that may further our search, also having teachers search the old tunnels and then we will gain access
    MISC (random things I have noted down or a collection of names, feel free to make a better section for this when you add your notes)
    -Scrap's first Tarot pull in session 0 (Death [he didn't see the switch], 10 of pentacles and the fool]another time he gets death switched out for the heirophant}
    -Fallen's real name contains a U
  • Colors characters like: Faye (red/purple), Cyra (dark blue), Collina (pretty/pink)

  • -Faye has bad balance due to head injury
    -Shrines found: Reya (Raptor), Henwin (Hedge), Cairith (Cervan), Clhuran (Luma), Hoff (Mapach) [may be missing some]
    -Odwald/Riffin/Susan used to travel together
    -Scrap's body is now cold, has a white streak in his hair
    -Fallen couldn't marry or have kids due to old job or position, has low CON, had neonatal tetanus
    -books Fallen has: history book, porn book, children's book to learn common
    -Hoff (Mapach god) does not like Fallen
    Fallen Spells that we know:
    -find object
    -magic missile
    -distort value
    -comprehend language
    -fog cloud
    -mage hand
    -floating disc
    -feign death (he made)
    -false life (he made)
    -gentle repose (he made)
    -Bita Whitehail (Peacock, Gallus)
    -Jagger Rustquil (Barn owl, Strig)
    -Coalhatch (Galah, Corvum)
    -Fair Tweet (Robin, Luma)
    -Basil (Bald Eagle, Raptor)
    -Madam Diamond Firebristle (runs the whorehouse)
    -Doe Firebristle (hedge, Faye's sister)
    -Gray Tail (Jerbeen), theft control with the merchant guild
    -Faye Firebristle
    -Benna Cyradin (Cervan, bandit leader)
    -Coldcheap (Corvum), part of the merchant guild
    -Drake (Cervan), part of the merchant guild
    -Riffin, small owl, Ash knight
    -Eliza Pennygleam, (Eluran, merchant)
    -Havel of Autumn Moon (Gallus, Tender)
    -Fray (Vulpin, bandit general) [dead]
    -Professor Nightseed (necromancy teaher)
    -Professor Revayne (Corvum, Divination teacher)
    -Cara Stormsinger (strig) refugee we saved
    -Susan (Hedge) witch, qiurky but nice lady, her beetle's name is Normal
    -Kenna (Corvum), she likes and studies slimes
    -Everlight (Crane), one at bandit camp helping rescue slaves
    -Tat (Pheasant, Gallus) monk around the mountain
    -Mortoris, doctor at the port that Faye crushes on
    -Tevor (Pidgeon,Luma) Tender who went with us to fight snake
    -Ardwyn (Rooster) Mayor of Meadowfin
    -Krall (Mapach) bandit who seperated from Benna, causing issues with the election
    -Squidge (Jerbeen) and Hazelroot (Mapach) are running for council, they work on the sewers
    -Raven (Corvum) is running against Coalhatch, she is a gang leader
    -Gabe Windsworth (Sabel Luma), Dean at the College

    Continue reading...

    1. Session 0
      14th of Cairith's Resolution
    2. Session 1
      21st-22nd of Cairith's Resolution
    3. Session 2
      22nd of Cairith's Resolution
    4. Session 3
      23rd of Cairith's Resolution
    5. Session 4
      23rd-24th of Cairith's Resolution
    6. Notecard notes
    7. The Journal Entry’s title
    8. Notecard Notes
    9. Notecards Cont.