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14th of Cairith's Resolution

Session 0

by Scrap Grover

Average sell day, nothing special. Then old Corvum try to get sky shiny, I tell him no. He steals other necklace and leaves, I sick guards on him. I close and go home, men waiting for me there (2 Corvum, 1 small Raptor, and hooded man). I managed to escape and kill the hooded man who was an undead! I race home to clean up (got shot twice in shoulder too) and a lady Vulture comes to see me. She saw the whole thing and has my stolen necklace. She trades me a longbow for it and says I should go to another city to a festival to meet her in a week. She was a nice lady, I gave her a button. I left that night to start my trip to the festival.

Continue reading...

  1. Session 0
    14th of Cairith's Resolution
  2. Session 1
    21st-22nd of Cairith's Resolution
  3. Session 2
    22nd of Cairith's Resolution
  4. Session 3
    23rd of Cairith's Resolution
  5. Session 4
    23rd-24th of Cairith's Resolution
  6. Notecard notes
  7. The Journal Entry’s title
  8. Notecard Notes
  9. Notecards Cont.