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21st-22nd of Cairith's Resolution

Session 1

by Scrap Grover

5th Month Cairith's Resolution, 21st Day in the 500th Year AoA (Age of Ash)
Arrived a day before the festival to set up shop. Didn't sell much, people here don't have alot so had to go cheap. Heard about a competition they are having tomorrow, many people promised to spend their earnings with me. I didn't plan to join, but then big bird lady shows up with 2 other people and signs us up. The others are so sheltered; the Cervan Cyra had never left home but not bad at spotting trouble, the Luma Collina has not been around the poor but she's nice enough. We join the music contest, and even here bandits cause trouble. A Hedge and his Mapach friends lose to us (I got third place, felt a bit inspired today) and they didn't like that. I helped the others fight the bandits, might as well teach them a lesson for being so rude though some fled and the Hedge stayed a ball. We headed out on the road together, big bird lady said we could travel together for awhile, I like her so I stay. Bad night though, we each have dream and then see Ashbarrow burn down overnight. Cyra take the loss hard, we find only one survivor named Cara Stormsinger alive. We head to Meadowfen to warn them and sent town into panic (They should panic some in my opinion). The mayor tells us to head to the Council and tell them what we saw. We are heading that way now.
Oh, Collina tell me my stolen necklace was in a College desk, in Professor Nightseed's room. But he does not sound like the man who took it.

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  1. Session 0
    14th of Cairith's Resolution
  2. Session 1
    21st-22nd of Cairith's Resolution
  3. Session 2
    22nd of Cairith's Resolution
  4. Session 3
    23rd of Cairith's Resolution
  5. Session 4
    23rd-24th of Cairith's Resolution
  6. Notecard notes
  7. The Journal Entry’s title
  8. Notecard Notes
  9. Notecards Cont.