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6th day of the 3rd month

Revelations and Walls.

by Fenmaer Olafaren Vakas Yinzumin Farbalar

Last night, I left Elizabeth's to go home. Once home, it hit me. A kind of throbbing in the back of mind, one that made me reach for my rapier with my right hand and my bow with my left. It dawned on me that I would be able to bond with these. More or less becoming one with my weapons. What this all meant and what it would do for me I did not quite know yet. I spent an hour on a ritual, I am not sure what happened exactly, only that I cut myself and I think I ... chanted? It is strange because I was only vaguely aware of what I was doing, almost like instincts took over.
Once all was said and done, I could feel my rapier and bow. I could feel their proximity to me. I left both weapons in my room. I had a feeling, if I needed either, it would be available, no matter where I was. So I decided to leave the house for the day, but then I stopped, noting I was hungry. I went ahead and went to get breakfast. To the cooks astonishment, I decided to take my meal with my family. Everyone was there, which I think surprised all of us. It was very civil as well, I have a hypothesis. Things on the outside are going to shit, so we may be brought closer through the adversity. Just yesterday I was allowed into Eleanora's tower and tomorrow it appears I will be doing the same. Thought maybe I am just being too hopeful, we will see.
That is when I decided to go meet the others at the Turquoise Turtle. Once again, Gnarlis was trying to crawl under the stairway in the Turquoise Turtle. Boxes had been crammed in there, I went to get my big furry friend and we ended up at the bar. He seemed quite depressed, the reason was obvious though, he was soaked and stank to high heaven. Morrighan showed up not much later and we decided to drop Gnarlis off at a bathhouse and let them perform their miracles on him. While Morrighan and I went back to Everdawn's Magic Emporium. Unfortunately, they did not have many of the more utilitarian equipment that I wanted, but I was able to gain access to several scrolls of comprehend languages for when I go to read that book. We went back to get Gnarlis, who looked like he fell into a Fey Wild nightmare concocted by pixies with a penchant for rainbow themes.
As a group, we decided to go back to the tainted district and to go take another look at my mothers old store. Upon entering the tainted district, we once again lost everything we ate before entering. At least, I know I did. We made it to my moms old shop and we were able to find things this time. The most worthy thing of note is my new bag, a bag of holding. I gave the other two the elemental gems that I had. The water elemental gem going to Gnarlis and the fire elemental gem going to Morrighan. With that we decided to leave the shop when we were assaulted by a pair of baby dragons.
It is not something to brag about, but we won. They were vicious little bastards. Though shadow dragons coming out and attacking us is a bit troubling. We followed the different noises that we heard. Whether it was crying, whispering or howling, we moved towards the mansion. Standing before the outer walls of the mansion was a Tiefling woman and one of the cultists, like we had run into within the crypts. I wonder if the Tiefling woman is the same one that was buying Lavina's painting. We quarreled with the Tiefling for a moment after failing miserably to move silently. So, Gnarlis came right out and introduced himself, before we could compose ourselves and come out, he called both Morrighan and me by name. The Tiefling ended up disappearing and leaving, leaving us to fight the cultist who we dispatched with rather quickly.
Gnarlis climbed the wall and noticed a pair of shadow mastiffs. Something we did not want to mess with at the time. So we decided to leave the area for the time being. Gnarlis noted the time and suggested we go back to the Riverlight estate to take a look at Lavina's paintings. They were strange yet interesting. One of the paintings truly looked alive and that was when we were attacked by an aberration known as a dimensional shambler, which we would later learn from Elizabeth.
After we brought the creature to Elizabeth's we decided to call it a night. I was starting to head home when I decided to turn around and take Elizabeth up on her offer to teach me Deep Speech.

Continue reading...

  1. The First day, when everything changed.
    Night of the 3rd day of the 3rd month.
  2. The Tainted District and Pieces of a Puzzle.
    Night of the 5th day of the 3rd month.
  3. Revelations and Walls.
    6th day of the 3rd month
  4. A Better Understanding
    Night of the 7th day of the 3rd month
  5. New Enemies New Freedoms
    Night of the 8th day of the 3rd month
  6. Knowledge and Madness
    Night of the 9th day of the 3rd month
  7. Tangled Webs
  8. A New Home and More Adventure