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Night of the 7th day of the 3rd month

A Better Understanding

by Fenmaer Olafaren Vakas Yinzumin Farbalar

Well, things have gotten even more interesting. Yesterday, I went on a little shopping spree and got a bunch of equipment that will most likely be needed at some point. Unfortunately, there is still more equipment that I need to acquire, I will see what I can figure out. I also got access to that book again, the one with the cult symbol on it that was written in Deep Speech. Had to burn through 3 scrolls to read most of it. It was written very oddly, like it was by someone who was falling into despair and madness, but would then, sporadically, explain things very lucidly.
What I got out of it does not look good. The symbol has to do with creatures known as the Great Old Ones, one in particular was mentioned, referred to as the forgotten one. These creatures are very powerful entities. The book also went to talk about aberrations in some detail. I am not sure the Great Old Ones and the aberrations are connected, but at this point, I would not be surprised. Then the book delves into something that sounds quite familiar and a bit sinister. It started going into the dreams and the nightmares. Then started rambling about something like, "If you hear the call, never sleep", sounds like a bad nursery rhyme.
The book then got extremely incoherent for a while ... but then lucidity came back to whoever the author is and he connects some interesting dots. The island is connected to the Forgotten One. The cult appears to be dedicated to it, and this cult is very old (may be related to the cultists we ran into). Then there is the hint that magic was bestowed upon people, and by none other than Mystia, the goddess that my mother had a Divine Focus for, the one that is around my neck now. If what Gnarlis has hinted at is of any significance, Mystia may be dying, and Morrighan may have been warned of the same. They could be unrelated, but how could all of this be a coincidence. There are just too many correlations.
So, yeah. Yesterday was exhausting. But today was not any better ...
It started when I saw that same wizard figure I saw with Eleanora again (forgot to mention that earlier). It seemed something went wrong at the guardians tower. When I arrived, I saw Morrighan had made her way there also. After noting that my father and others were conversing about what was going on, Morrighan and I took action and ran up the cliff. Thanks to her raven, Morrighan was able to ascertain that Cyntharia had been injured, and that whatever the injury was. We could figure that whatever attacked her had meant to kill her but failed.
When we went back down where my father was, I did a lore dump that left him ... distraught. Granted, there was a lot of concerning events going on, but we were gaining knowledge on it. That knowledge would help us. Who cares if the entity we are talking about is supposed to be unstoppable? It has not been proven, everyone else just failed. Doesn't mean we will, right?
This lead Morrighan and I, since we did not have much better to do, to go back to the Tainted District. It seems like daylight incursions may be the way to go, though that will not help once we get inside any buildings. The Shadow Mastiff's did not seem to pose as much of a threat as first thought, but I think fighting in the sunlight weakened them somehow. Once we defeated the hounds, slightly depleted, but fairly unscathed. We decided to get out of the tainted district and not push our luck. On our way back we were also set upon by some more shadow dragon whelps. That is five we have faced now, I sure hope there is not a dragon nest below the city or something like that.
Now that I think about it, a Shadow Dragon would be capable of injuring Cyntharia. Going to have to bring that up with the others.
I ended up going to dinner at home, Morrighan came as well. She looked pretty good even though she did not dress up all that much. My sisters were reading into something that was not there, but that cannot be helped. In spending this time alone with her, I got to learn a lot more about her. Seems she is starting to trust me. She has been a useful ally so far. However, there is going to be a time that her fervor gets us in trouble, hopefully it does not get us all killed. Of course, between her and Gnarlis, we are set on saving one, maybe two deities. Boy am I going to learn a lot on this journey.
Looks like I will be meeting Morrighan tomorrow at the Turquoise Turtle.

Continue reading...

  1. The First day, when everything changed.
    Night of the 3rd day of the 3rd month.
  2. The Tainted District and Pieces of a Puzzle.
    Night of the 5th day of the 3rd month.
  3. Revelations and Walls.
    6th day of the 3rd month
  4. A Better Understanding
    Night of the 7th day of the 3rd month
  5. New Enemies New Freedoms
    Night of the 8th day of the 3rd month
  6. Knowledge and Madness
    Night of the 9th day of the 3rd month
  7. Tangled Webs
  8. A New Home and More Adventure