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Sun 19th Jul 2020 06:28

Tangled Webs

by Fenmaer Olafaren Vakas Yinzumin Farbalar

Went to sleep without taking my medicine. I have ... never felt a feeling like this before. It is as if the artifact and the dreamscape were at odds. It was hard to really focus on what was going on but I awoke feeling awful. Very uneasy and then there is Malien. There is something about him that is off. If he does not prove himself soon, I may need to ... dispose of him? Wait, what is it that he has done to make me feel like that? Cannot put my finger on it, but there is something there.
I met the others for breakfast again, feeling better I went to the wall where I noticed something off about the mountain. So I decided to use detect magic and my senses were assaulted with a multitude of stimuli that I cannot really put to words. All I know is that there is a whole lot of bad that is going on up there, so it may have to be our next destination.
Later in the day I went to the funeral for Gnarlis, I am so tired of these things. But I will walk through the motions as needed. The funeral went as funerals go. I was a good send off.
As we left the temple, we met someone named Gentle Sparkle, another person that was captured in the paintings done by Lavina Riverlight. In meeting the one known as Sparkle, we decided to address her and bring her to the mansion. Something she was more than happy to do, she is ... spunky? In doing this, she decided to join us and to the mountain we went.
We went to the top of the mountain, seeing a Roc on the way. At the top there was a great orb which Morrighan was able to discern a celestial entity of some type was within. It appears there is an accumulation of power and it is connected to those pillars. That woman must be behind all this.
I was able to pull a sample of the water, which was a purple color, I highly doubt it is water.
I brought this information to the council, but they seemed to already know about the purple water at the top of the mountain, something that really irritates me. If they already know what is going on, then why do they keep sending us out blind?
As we were in the town, we met a friend of Sparkles, Vrahjorn. I do not know what to make of him yet. He is very quiet and introspective.
Soon after that, Elizabeth sent me a message and she sounded troubled. We rushed to her house to find an entity making its way out of one of the twins. So we did our best to pull the creature out and destroy it. I am hoping we were fully successful, but only time will tell.
Thus, our newly found compatriots were willing to follow us to Rivianna's to bring the offering. We went and got gems for the offering to the Dryads, and luckily, I was able to talk them into trading a branch from their tree for the heart shaped gem the druid Aaron Blackwood gave me.
We talked to Rivianna and asked how we should move forward. She told us to go to the islands that surrounded the larger island that we were on. Evidently they have several temples. We need to break the conduits of the seals at these temples, evidently that will piss off Anastasia Demore. In doing this, there should be items, probably artifacts that will aid us against Anastasia and her minions.

Continue reading...

  1. The First day, when everything changed.
    Night of the 3rd day of the 3rd month.
  2. The Tainted District and Pieces of a Puzzle.
    Night of the 5th day of the 3rd month.
  3. Revelations and Walls.
    6th day of the 3rd month
  4. A Better Understanding
    Night of the 7th day of the 3rd month
  5. New Enemies New Freedoms
    Night of the 8th day of the 3rd month
  6. Knowledge and Madness
    Night of the 9th day of the 3rd month
  7. Tangled Webs
  8. A New Home and More Adventure