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Night of the 8th day of the 3rd month

New Enemies New Freedoms

by Fenmaer Olafaren Vakas Yinzumin Farbalar

I met Morrighan the next morning just like we meant to do. We ended up getting quite the large meal. This is when Morrighan and I got to learn a lot more about each other. It appears she has a great hatred for the undead. As a follower of the Raven Queen I am starting to see that she is a bit of a zealot. Though, most people here in the city have a great distaste for necromancy. While I understand it, like Gnarlis, I think some spells might come in handy. Interestingly enough, Gnarlis joined us for the large breakfast.
Morrighan and I enlightened Gnarlis of everything that we had run into. That was when the three of us decided to go to the Demore mansion. We traveled though the tainted district and heard the crying again. We went around the back of the mansion and ran into a banshee. We were able to defeat the creature which did a decent amount of damage to us.
We made our way inside the house, the doors wide open all of a sudden. I nailed them open so we did not have to worry about them easily being closed on us. We searched through the first floor of the house and ran into a ghost dragon or something to that effect. We defeated the creature, which did challenge us greatly, Gnarlis was almost taken out during that fight.
After facing that ghost dragon, we made our way upstairs. There, the specter of Lavina Riverlight hovered around a bunch of covered paintings. Looks like we found the secret studio. As we uncovered the paintings we found that there were multiple paintings of each of us. In the center, hitting multiple points of a pentagram for a total of six different people. The paintings were of me, Gnarlis, Morrighan, the blue eyed man, a Gold Dragonborn and a silver white Tabaxi. Gnarlis became concerned not only with what the painting of him looked like, but unlike the rest of us, there was only one painting of Gnarlis, while there were multiple of the rest of us.
The specter of Lavina Riverlight did confirm her death by a vampire. She was able to describe the vampire as tall, dark haired with purple eyes. Not much to go by, but it was a start. Lavina was adamant that we leave, so that is what we did ... or tried to do. As we left the house, there stood the Tiefling woman, that we now know is the Mistress (like I suspected). Two others stood next to her. The vampire that Lavina described, holding two of my sisters and a Gold Dragonborn, but not the one from the painting.
That is when everything went south. The Mistress killed Gnarlis and the blue eyed guy showed up. The blue eyed guy, Malien has a bit of a mouth on him and knew the Dragonborn whom he called Vornal. The Mistress and the unnamed vampire disappeared suddenly, along with my sisters. Leaving Vornal there to fight us. He seemed powerful so I unsheathed the great sword from Morrighans back and drank the potion of giant strength I had. Unfortunately, Vornal disappeared making it to where I wasted the potion. Then I carried Gnarlis body to Elizabeth's and explained everything that had happened to her. We had a short lesson and she gave me a lot of homework.
When I arrived home, everyone was there, distraught. So I gave them the news, both bad and good. While it was disheartening that both of my sisters were taken by a vampire. We now knew a lot more about our enemies and that they were more physical than we thought. Not this ethereal feeling of despair that was there before.
---Woke in middle of night after drinking the special tea. I had what I think is a very lucid dream. I saw several pillars, eleven in total. Each of these pillars could hold four people. Seven of the eleven already had four people chained to them. Time seemed to be running out.

Continue reading...

  1. The First day, when everything changed.
    Night of the 3rd day of the 3rd month.
  2. The Tainted District and Pieces of a Puzzle.
    Night of the 5th day of the 3rd month.
  3. Revelations and Walls.
    6th day of the 3rd month
  4. A Better Understanding
    Night of the 7th day of the 3rd month
  5. New Enemies New Freedoms
    Night of the 8th day of the 3rd month
  6. Knowledge and Madness
    Night of the 9th day of the 3rd month
  7. Tangled Webs
  8. A New Home and More Adventure