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Tue 20th Aug 2019 03:57

Rajit: Level 8: A Dark Turn, The Beginning of The Blood Hunter

by Rajit Chishishi

Rajit returns from Waterdeep, making her excuses quickly to Hulfgar and Quinton as she leaves the Cathedral. She doesn’t want to be caught smuggling a vial from her last encounter. As she walks the carpeted halls of Hyssop Home she looks over her shoulder, before making it back to her room. There she checks her gain, a fiendish vial of Vrock blood. Perfect for her experiments. She sets to work quickly, not wanting to waste the freshness of the sample. Small vials begin to bubble, as the heat reaches peak. She begins to try combining the blood with some of her other creations...
She gets no reaction from her Titanic Tonic, and grimaces at the wasted reagents. Nothing from the Tingling Tincture either… But the Energizing Ether begins to fizzle, and she feels the hair on her arms begin to stand as an acrid smoke begins to rise. “Hmm.. it seems to respond to strong life energy. Some kind of static? Friction between the two perhaps…” Rajit adjusts her glasses as she continues taking notes. She takes a small bit of the fizzing liquid and puts it on a sheet of copper foil, a creepy grin crossing her face as the copper corrodes and dries almost instantly leaving a strange oily sheen.
“Now then what did that do…?” Rajit lowers her goggles and looks over the pitted copper alloy, before running a finger over it. A quick static spark leaped between the alloy and her finger, and she feels a simple shock akin to touching a door knob in the winter. Thinking nothing of it she reaches out again, and once more the shock comes. “Oh, now this is interesting. Electric properties?” Rajit raises her goggles and looks about at her equipment…
Rajit pulls out larger glassware, leering as she considers the possibilities of what comes next. She begins to heat the Ether over a flame, and waits impatiently for the boil to begin. Her thin fingers roll the vial of reagent as she waits, her glasses fogging over in the temperature as her eyes also glaze over as she consider the possibilities. As the first bubble pop she snaps back into focus and in a startle grabs a cloth to wipe her glasses clean, before dropping her goggles again.
With the temperature to her satisfaction she pours the vial into the bubbling flask, and a violent eruption of fumes and heated gas burst forth. Rajit coughs and sputters, waving her hands in front of her. Her lungs begin to burn and sting as the vapors overwhelm her, but she reaches for her copper foil, throwing the entire roll into the flask. The copper sinks in, and the liquid begins sublimating rapidly, almost as if it was being absorbed by the metal.
As the vapors clear, Rajit coughs fitfully, blood spotting on her gloves, but she grimaces and ignores it for the time being. The copper visibly sparks in the flask, the alloys tingling with electric charge. “It worked? … It worked! But this is almost too… much. Too unstable for anything you’d want to hold onto…” Rajit wipes a smudge of blood off her lips as she thinks…
“But perfect for something you don’t want to hold onto! Like a crossbow bolt! I could plate bolts in this… Perfect… Heh… Hehe… Hehehehe!” Rajit’s mad giggle gives way to another hacking cough as more blood speckles her gloves.
Rajit has wondered into the path of the Blood Hunter, using the essence of her enemies to empower her weaponry. The empowerment has come at a cost, as the use of the corrosive static copper compounds burns her lungs and weakens her health. This has weakened her health further and left her more frail. This weakening does not go unnoticed by Gilbert, her ape companion.
Gilbert worries for his erstwhile mistress, and approaches Hulfgar and Quinton in worry. He receives a gift to protect Rajit from Hulfgar, a Cracker flail. He begins to practice with it in secrecy, and after hitting himself a few times he begins to get the hang of it, especially with the addition of a shield to swing around and over. Quinton begins to keep an eye on Rajit as her health deteriorate. He begins to worry about Rajit’s experiments...