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Tue 20th Aug 2019 03:59

Rajit: Level 10: Short-Sighted?

by Rajit Chishishi

Rajit returns to her lab with haste, having secreted away bits of frost giants from The Wild Hunt occuring in Lerwick. She has ideas on how she can use the magically imbued ice to stabilize some formulae she’s been working on. She begins to carve a number of bowl-like crucibles of the magical ice, straining her small arms against the incredibly tough enchanted substrate. The strength of the ice only causes her grin to crack wider as she becomes more and more convinced that this is exactly what she has needed.
Rajit begins to set a boil to a number of flasks, one a fluorescent blue, one a bright beaming yellow, and the last a sickly violet. The flasks heat quickly, with noxious fumes rising as the liquids begin to jump and bubble, popping violently and spastically as if trying to leap from their glass containers. “Now if only I could stabilize these explosive properties but maintain the energetic qualities…” Her eyes wander back to the ice, as she considers the fixative properties of a flash freeze.
The flasks reach a violent roil, the liquids flailing against the flask seeking any escape from the elevating thermal energy. With a steadying breath Rajit pulls up a face mask dons a pair of heavy gloves. She reaches out with heavy mitts and grabs the first flask, with fluorescent blue fluid liquid fizzing urgently. She carefully tips it over into the first ice crucible, and the fluid sizzles violently as it contacts the cold container. The liquid begins to settle as the energy dissipates, but takes two corroded copper alloy strips from her earlier experiments and dips them on each side of the fluid in the crucible. Electricity arcs between the strips, and the fluid whirls in the container, impurities popping out in spatter or binding to copper as the fluid begins to glow and become completely transparent. At last it settles, as smooth as water.
Rajit repeats this with the other two formulae, each following a similar process, eventually distilling into a serene and almost pastel colored fluid as clean as crystal glass. Rajit pours the products into special vials, but hesitantly she brings a few drops of the fluorescent blue liquid to her lips. The fluid is surprisingly tasteless… but nothing much seems to happen. “No flavor to it at all. How strange. I suppose I could add something though… Well regardless, I may need to concentrate it further, it didn’t seem to work.”
Rajit carefully corks and seals the vials, sliding them easily into a rack. She begins to write labels for them, and smirks as the handwriting comes out unexpectedly well done. She places the labels on the bottles, and then opens her notebook to record her results. She squints at the page, finding it surprisingly hard to read. She blinks a few times and then adjusts her glasses, but it doesn’t help. “I guess it is about time for new glasses…”
Rajit levels up to 10, taking her 3rd level in Blood Hunter. She adopts the Blood Hunter Order of the Mutant as her wild alchemical experiments have driven her into discovering methods of medicating her body, improving her performance at the cost of suffering new symptoms. Her experiments in energetic formulae have taught her the Celerity, Mobility and Rapidity formulae. She names Celerity the Blue Blur formula, which she is almost always using, and which increases her dexterity and agility while in use at the cost of also blurring her vision and senses. Her already blue eyes now have a tinge of fluorescence when she is under the effect. She names the Mobility formula Golden Grease, as it allows her to slip out of restraints, but makes it difficult to get her feet under her, she sweats heavily when using it. She names the Rapidity formula her Vial of Violet Velocity as it increases her movement speed, but the speed limits fine movement, as she shakes with tremors while using it.