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Tue 20th Aug 2019 03:55

Rajit's Backstory

by Rajit Chishishi

Rajit was born to a poor family of Halfling tenant farmers in Wheatyfield, Caron and Gerza. The first few years of her life are hazy, but she recalls a simple hut, many siblings and thin, overworked parents. One particularly poor harvest left her parents in dire straits, with too many mouths to feed. They made a hard decision to give some children up, at 8 Rajit was one of their eldest, but also one of the weakest children and least use on the farm. Hoping she would find either a better life, or a suitor and her way into an early marriage in the next few years of her life. She was given up to Quinton Arnjaunor, a man heading an orphanage dedicated to Ilmater.
Rajit found herself among many siblings once again, but this time they were generally well fed. She was one of the older children, and one of the only children to come to the orphanage with living parents, a fact she felt great shame over. She was keenly aware of her 'cost' to her benefactors, and became fascinated with the concepts of money and cost. She watched as money transformed everything, money was given for transformation and used for transformation. It made life possible, it made love possible, and was the source of all things.
Rajit tried to help around the orphanage the best she could, tending to the animals and using her skills from her old farm life. Animals were so simple, if you feed them they love you. If you brush them, they love you. And then they create or transform into that which keeps you alive, to do it again. Love, life, and security. Her friendship with animals was a practical one, but deeply important to her.
Rajit was a quick study at the orphanage, excelling in the sciences and basic wizarding magic. She became enamored with transmutation magic in general, the thread of transformation lead her to alchemy, and she formed her own understanding of many things. Alchemy was the way of nature, and money was the way of society. Both transformed things. Seeking the security she'd lacked ever since her birth, she practiced and developed her skills. Learning to transform and master magic, the elements and ultimately to master coin and social alchemy.
Reaching maturity Rajit sets forth to make a living. One of her loving animal companions not far behind. On her waist, a bandolier of potions and a promise of change.