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Tue 20th Aug 2019 03:58

Rajit: Level 9: Desperate and Alone

by Rajit Chishishi

Rajit returns from the southwestern Greypeak Mountains on the heels of a retreat, much of the journey covered on Theodore’s massive avian back. The trip is a quiet one for her as for the first time in a very long time she feels alone. Though cradled in Mama Yetu’s unrelenting and seemingly unbreakable grip she feels her connection with Gilbert fray and finally go quiet as the great gleaming gorilla finally goes down in the melee, having been utterly surrounded by a dozen enemies and fighting them back for nearly a half minute.
She sits quietly, her eyes glazed over as she goes over the choices that got her there. “Those deceitful hobgoblins always lie and confuse to get any advantage. It seems like no one plays fair, and even those that play fairly don’t deal in fair terms.” She ruminates on the dark thoughts as she continues to think to herself. “The only real rules are strength and skill, the laws of nature themself. The strong survive, water freezes and thaws, acid and metal corrodes, and blood trades with blood.”
On the tail end of the trip Rajit feels the slow pulse of her connection to Gilbert and knows that he was not killed. She imagines what horrible things may be done to him as a prisoner, or worse as a punching bag or torture victim. Her resolve crystallizes as she feels her one best and truest friend in danger so far from her.
On return to Lerwick Rajit will eventually squeeze herself away from Mama Yetu, and also do what she can to avoid some of the other members of Hyssop Home except for one. She seeks Zug Zugger and demands he promise to help her. “After all I’ve done for you, after all Gilbert has done for you, you owe this to us Zug! I’m calling that favor in now!”
Afterwards Rajit is often found outside in the yard practicing her accuracy with her crossbow, something she had never been particularly dedicated to before. She also spends time in her lab working on a potent concoction of smelling salts. She deeply regrets the way that Vanasha and Swauny were influenced by the enemy, and works on new methods to snap her allies out of their ills. She references some of Quinton’s medical books while formulating her new medicine. The resulting product is somewhat toxic but effective at giving allies a chance to snap back to themselves. Rajit shrugs off the toxicity and adds it to her repertoire without hesitation.
Rajit levels up to 9, taking her 2nd level in Blood Hunter. She selects the Archery Fighting Style, and gains access to the Blood Curse of Purgation. Her drive to improve her strength also increases her proficiency bonus as her clearer view of the world improves her decision making.