Reaching Vindova - A Prolonged Struggle by Zsakshash | World Anvil

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22nd of Dawning, 1305 AM

Reaching Vindova - A Prolonged Struggle

by Zsakshash (Caerlin Krexis)

We were walking towards Vindova again, and Tropham was helping Delgado practice with his funny looking bow. We had just left The Apostate's Mansion and this little bunny fella conjured magic hands over and over again that Delgado promptly blew to pieces. Oh right! I haven't told you about Tropham, a Leporidae humanoid we met in the most surreal of places. Oh I haven't told you about that place either... Let me bring the reader up to speed!
After Tentacle Grotto, we eventually ventured up a hill with dancing reeds in the wind. At the top these strange, glowing and whispering lights were calling my name. I could feel destiny calling me. I reached out with my hand and nothing was ever to be the same again. Destiny's Child brought me (a survivor) to this new place, with sources of cold light, bleak yellow walls and the humming, THE HUMMING! I begin to loose my breath thinking about the endless corridors and surreal technology I witnessed there. After pacing around these corridors for a bit, we stumbled upon Tropham, a young but talented wizard who had taken up the noble quest of quelling foul magic, having ended up here due to some sort of abandonment from his parents. We offered him rations and we realised the vastness of this new place, this new realm. For it was not just a place, it seemed to me a formerly unknown realm or mass illusion we had ended up in. We tried contacting Izduhbar but he said eventually that he would need time to get us out of this place. We spent what felt like months inside this place, searching for even the slightest sign of a way out. Alas, we only dug our grave deeper.
We started finding bodys; humanoids in shielding suits that possessed weapon technology on par with the Kaedra bunch. Soon we found ourselves hiding in a tiny office room next to a deceased warrior, spying through the keyhole a patrolling being I hardly can describe. It looked like a solid statue resembling a woman, though its corpus was made of mechanical parts. After dodging death, we soon came out to a field and chatted with an divine fey specialising in trickery. It was The Lantern King. After reprocicating in banter with him, he granted som ill-worded wish I had uttered and I was transformed into a bouquet of flowers.
So this was it, I thought. Destiny's Child had refused me the ability to even say my name. I could not possibly begin to describe the sentience of a bouqet of flowers, but it was a horrifying experience. I won't be trampling these beautiful flowers swaying in the mild breeze alongside the roads we are now walking on. For I know the terrible fate they have been given. Bizzarely, the others were thrilled about the transformation and they started watering me in toilets while we were back inside the corridors again. Indeed, banter infected the party like a plague. It was happy days in the maze for The Most Beautiful Eladrin there ever was. For somehow I had not been refused my ability to see. At some point though, they shot me with a rifle they had picked up - AND I WAS BACK!! I don't know how, but that clearly does not matter!
So we ventured further, came upon a new civilization in another time, on another plane of existence who called themselves Sovjetz. We entered some sort of research facility and the stubborn fuck Baldur refused to enter through the "EXISTENTIAL DANGER DOOR" which clearly led us in the right direction. We had to wear some gadgets and had to fight resurrected mists of these sovjetz, until we stumbled upon a cage. A cage with in it - an angel!?? What was this place?! She finally came to her senses and agreed she would aid us in our time of need in the future. Handy that. She gave us a ring to get out of the place but Izduhbar saved us before we could use it.
Izdubahr took us back to the lands who previously had The King on The Threshold. Now, it was a fractured land with war on the horizon. We ended up in Khuramunz where we succumbed to a much needed rest and we met Varkallin again. Not the looks of Jaqueline, but still an Eladrin.. kind of... and a female one at that! For five days, I oozed in booze and had a great drinking buddy in Varkallin, whom at one point laid her hand on my thigh, grinning like the serpent girls back home. The rest? Why I don't kiss and tell! It was during these days I wrote this poem of conflicting desires:
"Another day,
Another name,
Another set of lips I'm adding to my little game.
Your face is pure, though I'm not sure,
That your The One to make me feel like I am something more.
I think it’s time, a glass of wine,
to make me comfortable enough to be sincere.
Oh let's be clear, be on your guard.
I’ll make your life a living hell I swear to God!
We’ve come this far,
So control your thoughts,
‘cause I’m the writer of this plot."
So we left Khuramunz and I see no flowers all around me, which I no longer will bother and trample. For this gratitude is ample, and I no longer delay the command of Lord Hazredus.
For I've spilt enough time not pursuing the next marker. So, my aim is crystal clear:
The next adventure awaits!
But first, we're reaching Vindova.

Continue reading...

  1. Naked on The Roofs of Akk-Ur
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  4. Witch Market and Hyxian Travel
  5. Grand Theft Akkon; and The King Lay Dead...
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  6. Tentacle Grotto
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  7. Reaching Vindova - A Prolonged Struggle
    22nd of Dawning, 1305 AM
  8. A Second Chance