Grand Theft Akkon; and The King Lay Dead... by Zsakshash | World Anvil

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17th of Chilling

Grand Theft Akkon; and The King Lay Dead...

by Zsakshash (Caerlin Krexis)

I thought I would write this down while we are waiting inside the magic and preparing for the night shift as Sun Guards in the vault of Thesapolis.
After defeating the Ol' Kings of Akkon, we tried to talk sense into the maddened High Judge Gilgenon, but he refused to see reason, and soon battle resumed. When 'His Majesty' lay slain on the hard and cold ground he had still tried his best to kill us during his final breaths and had verbally revoked our twilight advocate passes. Fearing that resurrection magic could reveal our cover, we hid him inside a statue. This got me thinking; maybe I could disguise myself before descending upon the Sun Guards...
It sort of worked. I disguised myself as an elderly senile woman and drew Sun Guards closer to me before our ambush and robbery of the Divine Vault commenced. I was quickly hurt and on the ground with a grotesque mask over my head, unable to speak or see. Soon, just as the late Gilgenon, all six Sun Guards lay dead. We donned their armor, hid the bodies in stone and made formation, heading towards the vault. The guard switch went fine and my Feline Fellow who acted as captain were briefed on some very interesting details and events that occurred during the day. Turns out we were expecting a surprise visit from the Karapanate during the night shift. So Delgado, Imaros and I mapped out the vast vault of Thesapolis and then we devised a clever plan to alert of the Karapanate's presence.
I stood -- as I often seem to do -- with Imaros outside the vault, with Alazim on the other side of the vault door, ready to pass the word, whilst Delgado and Jaqueline entered the Divine Vault further inside Thesapolis. Soon the Karapanate arrived and I led them, not without intentional difficulty to the Vault of Sovereign Records. The Herbads collected a lot of documents and after an ambush in the anti-magic field in the corridor had neutralised them we sifted through the documents they took from the vault. Delgado questioned the Mobad before cutting his throat. Getting out was non-dramatic, miserably so!
Now, I sit leaning back on Izduhbar's velvelt chaise longue and cherish the vast spoils.
And I cannot help to wonder if,
It is time to tear at old friendships.

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  5. Grand Theft Akkon; and The King Lay Dead...
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