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May 25th 2021

Session 4.

by Myetharia Faewarin

Having been to the ghetto before, Jack and Myetharia are able to get the group through the secret doors. Since high elves only need four hours of trance as sleep, they find the ghetto still rather active, even at two in the morning. They pass children playing in the street, and others, going about their day, and make their way to the carpentry shop on their map.
Here, they find no door either, but again, after searching round for a hidden elvish entrance, they find one at the back. Symbols in the wall are carved to look like a winged woman with a trumpet, another as a noble and muscular man with the head of a lion, and a third to resemble an armored woman with a gleaming greatsword.
As the group discusses what plane of existence each symbol represents, a voice speaks out to say that is can help them get in if they, in exchange, give it the box they are in search of, even saying that the group may keep the contents. Myetharia convinces the voice to reveal itself, and a large rat steps out of the shadows. The rat says it's name is Kurychek, and explains that it has made a deal with someone for the box.
However, the group dismisses Kurycheck, as they had already deduced that the winged woman represented Celestia, while the lion-headed man stood for Elysium and the armored woman for Arborea. The group turns from the rat and Jack begins to press the symbols in the order written on the map. But before he is able to press the last one, the rat makes a desperate attack at him to stop. Rayland and Winry are quick to the rescue, and Kurycheck flees into the shadows, saying it would not be the last they saw of him. In the darkness, they hear a light flapping of wings, the sound of which gets fainter.
Collecting themselves, Jack pushes on the last symbol. A click is heard, and the door pushes inward. The group, led by Myetharia, enters into a large room, illuminated and warmed by a lit fireplace. In the room are nearly a dozen doors, propped up on metal frames, and unfinished. It seems to be the workroom of a carpenter who only works on doors. In front of the group stand four celestial and gleaming badgers, with coats of silver, gold and platinum hue. They watch the group guardedly, but are not aggressive.
Myetharia speaks calmly to them, saying they mean no harm, coming only for information, and though they do not speak in return, the badgers seem to understand as they sniff at the group and then sit down on all fours.
While Bryn and Rayland inspect the doors, only to find they are completely normal doors, Jack and Myetharia feed the badgers jerky and cheese.
From up a flight of stairs, they all hear a loud whisper, calling out to know who has entered. Jack answers, apologizing for the late hour and explains that they are looking for someone named "Clathan". When the voice shows no recognition to the name, Jack further explains that they have been sent by Shealis. The voice then seems confused, stating that they did not know there were "others", and invites the group up for introductions.
They walk up the stairs to a room where they find two elves, a make with brown skin and a female with fair hair and skin. After Jack tells them they have been hired by Shealis and have been instructed to come here with the map and door key to "collect something" from her, the male elf pulls out a black, metal-looking box from behind a pillar, saying that they had collected the case for her. Myetharia, playing along, says that she remembers hearing about the two of them from Larion, as she recalls in her mind that Funzbar spoke of him having two elves take the case away earlier that day.
Jack introduces himself by name and asks for theirs. The male introduces himself as Galaeron, and the female as Saphielle. Through some quick thinking and deception, the group is able to convince the pair that the plan has changed, and Shealis has requested that the box be passed to them to take out of the city. This persuasion was of course not done without first giving the elves all of their names.
As the group leaves the building, Rayland is leapt upon, and bit by the rat, Kurycheck. Winry and Rayland make quick work of it though, and as it falls to the ground, dying, the form of a rat changes into that of a small, impish creature with horns. They tie him up and put him inside Rayland's backpack, continuing on, out of the ghetto to meet up with Funzbar and Torrent at a temple of the Aquiline Cross.
As they are making their way out, they see Shealis coming toward the carpentry shop in the distance,. They are able to avoid another fight with her by ducking into a nearby alley just in time to not be seen by her.
The group arrives at the temple to find it filled with roughly 100 nervous townsfolk, taking refuge from the attack, which still goes on in some parts of the city. They quickly find Funzbar and Torrent, and fill them in on all that had occurred. Torrent recommends that the group lays low for a short time, and decide on how best to leave the city.
As they sit, a female, half-orc bard plays a soulful tune to the crowd. A few of the listeners begin to shout at her to play something happier, and after returning a sarcastic response about all her happy music getting burned in the fires, she continues to play the depressing song. When she does so, Jack picks up his banjo and begins to play a peppy New Year's tune to drown it out, nudging his companions to sing along with him.
After just a short time, the head priest comes out, looking tired and worn, and thanks Jack for aiding in calming the crowd. He notices Torrent with the group, and ushers them quickly into a back room. The priest, Brother Buron Watcher, is another member of the Resistance, and when Torrent tells him they have something they need to keep from prying eyes for a bit, he welcomes them and offers them the temple as a safe space for however long they need it. When he asks, they inform him that it is information that they plan to use to save Gate Pass.
Buron leads them down below into a storage area, saying they may stay as long as they need to. The crew thanks him and makes some quick introductions. Eventually, the box is brought up, or more to the point, it's contents. Funzbar once more states that he has been bound to never reveal or tell what is inside of it. Although, he can open it, which he proceeds to do.
As they peer inside, they see a book. Myetharia picks it up and opens it, to find that the writing inside is not one she knows. In fact, no one can read it, though Winry recognizes the letters used as part of the Infernal Alphabet, though in some sort of code that she cannot decipher. There are a few maps and buildings also drawn on the inside.
Rayland reminds the group that they have someone who also may speak infernal, still tied up in his backpack. They inform the others of how the imp attacked them, and of how he wanted, not the contents, but the box itself.
After waking Kurychek the imp, and questioning him about the deal he's make for the box, he reveals that he was summoned by some orcs in Ragos who had ordered him to get the box, and had been careless enough to not be more specific.
The group decides to make their own deal with Kurycheck, and give him the box (after taking the book out) so long as he agreed to never tell a single soul who they were or what they looked like. After agreeing to hand the box over by noon, Jack and Kurycheck shake hands, sealing the deal.
After the long day they have all had, the group is finally able to lay their heads down and sleep. The five of them only just banded together and met Torrent a few hours prior, and they know very little of what is in store for them, but they know that it's only just begun.
Out of Game
The group awakes and decides to go to the One-to-Go tavern, where Myetharia has contacts, who could help them out of the city. Torrent notifies them that the initial assault has been driven out, but inquisitors may eventually be allowed in.

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  1. Session 1.
    May 4th 2021
  2. Session 2.
    May 11th 2021
  3. Session 3.
    May 18th 2021
  4. Session 4.
    May 25th 2021
  5. Session 5.
    June 1st 2021
  6. Session 6.
    June 8th 2021
  7. Session 7.
    June 6th 2021
  8. Session 8.
    July 7th 2021