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May 11th 2021

Session 2.

by Myetharia Faewarin

The crew runs out the side of the tavern, to see many other buildings on fire, and people running through the streets in a panic. They begin to head toward the depository, squeezing through the crowd, and several of them are struck by fear in the moment. They see a man, quite damaged by the fire, holding an unconscious body and surrounded by little ones, but Bryn quickly heals what seems to be the two parents, and they continue on their way. Winry saves a woman from another burning building, and a man yells out to them, asking their aid in finding his pet, giant weasel, but they pass on by, wishing him luck.
They arrive at the depository, where Torrent has an account, and they are all permitted entrance. Making their way into the holding area, they search for Funzbar. A gnome, matching his description, meets them and asks that Jack, who he believes to be Peppin, follow him up the stairs to view the contents he has come to collect. Jack, being suspicious of the location Funzfar's voice is coming from, uses his invisible servant, Gil, to determine that this person is using a magical disguise to hide their true identity.
At a sharp poke from Rayland's rapier, the illusion drops to reveal an elvish man. He begins to make his way up the stairs to escape, but is caught by Jack and Myetharia on the second floor. However, after only a moment, the elf is able to slip away once more, leaving behind some glowing, hovering ring. The ring sends a couple of radiant beams at Winry, and Myetharia makes some attacks at it. This provokes it to say in a rather automated voice, that "it is time to leave", and asks for "no violence". The elf makes it to the top of the tower, takes a potion, and jumps off. He begins to fall slowly down to the ground, followed by the glowing ring, and several of the crew make attacks as he falls, from arrows to spells. All to no avail, as he soon reaches the ground and quickly departs.
Winry attempts to break into one of the safes, while no one is around, but is unsuccessful, while Jack apologizes to Rayland and Bryn for how things went, admitting that he has never been on any sort of mission before, let alone a fight. Bryn also confides in them that she has no experience, despite being in a heavy shirt of chainmail which belonged to her father. Rayland simply grunts at all of it, seemingly to accept the situation, and they make their way down to join the others.
Before Myetharia is able to update Torrent on what happened, guards burst in, having been alerted to the fighting from the noise. She tries to play it off as though they were simply attacked by a random elf while there on business, though escaped from the roof before they could do any real damage to him, but they ignore her. They instead call for the group to lay down their weapons while they assess the situation, who then wait in silence as the guards inspect the upper levels. When they return, they bring back with them the unconscious bodies of the real Funzbar, and several guards, one of which is dead. The group is a bit shocked, as they had not thought to search the entire upstairs area.
Funzbar and the living guards are brought back to consciousness, and Funzbar, realizing from a ring belonging to Torrent, that they are a part of the Resistance, and vouches for the group. Torrent relays that Peppin was found dead, and Funzbar, saddened by the news, suggestes that they continue the conversation elsewhere.
Out of Game
Once they get back on the street, Funzbar reveals that he overheard part of a conversation the elf had through the glowing orb, which was called a solon (a celestial-like being which cannot lie and can be similar to a familiar). The elf, Larion, had two other elves take the case, and spoke with another elf, Shealis, who seemed to be a contact at Gabal's school.
The case itself was a black metal, about a foot long and wide, and a half-foot deep. Funzbar had convinced the eves that the case was trapped, and could only be opened by a word that Peppin knew. He believed that this would keep them from opening it for the time being. Funzbar himself admitted that the Inquisitors had "enslaved his lips and hands to never reveal what he knew", so he could not tell the group what was in the case, or more about the info.
After some time debating what they should do, the group decide to go to Gabal's school in search of this Shealis, in hope that wherever she was, the case would not be far behind. They leave, agreeing to meet Torrent an Funzbar at a near by temple of the Aquiline Cross, an undercover Resistance location.

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  1. Session 1.
    May 4th 2021
  2. Session 2.
    May 11th 2021
  3. Session 3.
    May 18th 2021
  4. Session 4.
    May 25th 2021
  5. Session 5.
    June 1st 2021
  6. Session 6.
    June 8th 2021
  7. Session 7.
    June 6th 2021
  8. Session 8.
    July 7th 2021