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May 18th 2021

Session 3.

by Myetharia Faewarin

After parting with Torrent and Funzfar, the group make their way quickly towards Gabal's school, or as it was fondly called by those who disliked it, "The Castle." Fights raged above in the sky, between wyverns and their riders, and the city's own aerial protection: griffins and their riders.
As they travel down the streets, a wyvern crashes into a near-by house. Screams follow, along with the cry of a child, provoking the group to quickly investigate. They find bodies in the street, and the wyvern rider, a half-orc, rifling, through a in of clothes inside the house. The confrontation is rather tense when he uses a young boy as a shield, but they are able to capture him without too much issue. Rayland and Myetharia make it clear they want him dead, while Jack defends him, saying that everyone makes mistakes, and he deserves a second chance. They end up tying the soldier up and leaving him in an alley to be found by others.
Jack and Myetharia converse as they go on their way, about whether mercy should be given to even murderers. But they do not seem to come to any conclusion, but rather agreeing to disagree.
When they reach the school, they discuss whether they should sneak in or not, and it is eventually decided that they will simply go in through the front when they realize a man is standing at the gate, smoking, and observing their presence.
Jack begins a polite conversation with the man, Diogenes, telling him that they have business with Shealis. He rolls his eyes at the mention of her, but says he can take them to her, informing them along the way that she is one of Gabal's best students.
However, the group does not seem to understand how powerful this means she is. Diogenes leaves them to meet with her, and they attempt unsuccessfully to sneak into her room. When they enter, they find that Larion had already arrived. They begin to attack the two elves, and soon find how out matched they are when Larion downs Myetharia in only a few blows, and Shealis throws a fireball in the room when the others do not back down. At this point, Rayland is additionally downed, and Larion is slowly dying. When Shealis threatens to throw another fireball, the party agrees to no longer attack her, and allow her to go free.
As she leaves, she informs them that if they still want the stolen information after she leaves, that they should go find "Clathan" for it, though none know the name.
Out of Game
Bryn sets to work bringing Myetharia and Rayland back to consciousness, and Diogenes comes bursting in to investigate the sounds of fighting. Rather upset that they lies to him about their true reason for seeing Shealis, he berates them for attempting to fight, saying that he did try to warn them of how strong she was. Once they apologize several times over, and he calms down a bit, they are able to get two healing potions from him. They then search Shealis's room for any aid, and only find a map of an elvish ghetto, with a carpentry shop circled and the phrase:
"Arorea before Elysium, before Celestia,"
written beside it.
After conversing for a bit, and healing up, they decide to go investigate this shop in the ghetto.

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  1. Session 1.
    May 4th 2021
  2. Session 2.
    May 11th 2021
  3. Session 3.
    May 18th 2021
  4. Session 4.
    May 25th 2021
  5. Session 5.
    June 1st 2021
  6. Session 6.
    June 8th 2021
  7. Session 7.
    June 6th 2021
  8. Session 8.
    July 7th 2021