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June 8th 2021

Session 6.

by Myetharia Faewarin

The fight begins in the back alley, and after only a few blows, Myetharia's friend Rantle drops in from the roof tops to aid the group in their fight. With his aid, they are able to make quick work of their attackers, leaving one alive for questioning.
Rantle and Myetharia exchange a few words of greeting, and the others find him to be very charismatic, and a bit of a flirt to both Winry and Bryn.
After tying up the remaining attacker, Rantle leads them to an empty safe house nearby, where they sit their captive down, and heal those who took blows during the fight.
Jack and Myetharia begin to interrogate their captive, and find that he and the others had been spying on the councilman's home, and, suspecting the group of being mages, followed them to make a profit. He revealed that there was a bounty put out for mages, and they had simply taken the job for coin.
With some extra pushing, they are able to learn that they had been working under a man named Kathor who had a pass in and out of the city, and who would stay at a "Mannish Inn". Their encampment outside of the city was somewhere in the Southern foothills.
They decide to leave their remaining attacker in Rantle's capable hands, but he asks a favor of Myetharia before they go. His sister Katrina, a practiced fire mage, disappeared over a week before with the intention of going to the Seaquen Lyceum, where the group will be headed with the secret information from Funzbar. He asks that they keep a look out for her and give her the note he hands Myetharia.
After this, they return to the temple, updating Torrent, and saying their goodbyes to Funzbar. With Torrent now accompanying them, the group heads to the East cavalry department, where they show the Captain Herreman there, Menash's passes for them out of the city. He accepts the passes, and informs them that they will be accompanying patrol out of the city at sunset, giving them 4-5 hours until they leave.
Out of Game
At this, the party breaks to deal with separate matters in the city before leaving. Myetharia goes with Jack to Gabal's school, while the others tag along with Winry to her circus she performed with.
Once they arrive, Winry explains to her friends at the circus tents that she will be leaving, and bids them all farewell.
However, Jack and Myetharia have less of an easy time at Gabal's. When they arrive they find a mob at the gates, shouting for Gabal to hand himself over to the Ragesians. Terrified of another attack, many civilians seemed to believe that handing over the mages within the city would stave off any future attempts.
In a nearby alley, Jack uses his magic in an attempt to make the crowds leave, by casting a spell which makes them believe the city is under attack again. Most of them flee, but a handful remain, not believing the illusion. These few begin hurling rock at Diogenes, who had before been attempting to calm them through the closed gates. At this, the pair of elves come running up to disperse the remaining mob. After some back and forth debate, the crowd finally departs, and Diogenes returns to the gate, allowing Jack and Myetharia to enter.
Jack has a private conversation with Diogenes about how uncomfortable he is with death and killing, but he finds little aid or comfort from his words. On their walk back to the barracks, Jack opens up to Myetharia about his hesitation, and she offers him an ear, if the bloodshed becomes too much a mental burden for him to bear.
Once the sun begins to set, the group, dressed as the city's guard, at last exit the city of Gate Pass, accompanied by the evening patrol. To the west tolls a single bell, and Herreman explains that the Ragesian Inquisitors must have been let into the city.
The group stops for the night at an abandoned watch tower a couple miles out of the city.

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  1. Session 1.
    May 4th 2021
  2. Session 2.
    May 11th 2021
  3. Session 3.
    May 18th 2021
  4. Session 4.
    May 25th 2021
  5. Session 5.
    June 1st 2021
  6. Session 6.
    June 8th 2021
  7. Session 7.
    June 6th 2021
  8. Session 8.
    July 7th 2021