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Sat 27th Nov 2021 06:56

Entry 16

by Eshonai

Dear Diary,
Eleint is over! Whatever that means. I suppose it means there is a really great festival happening in the town of Beliard! It was so fun! I arm wrestled for the first time too! I think I did good, but I lost my match. My opponent was soooo nice. He was this cute little gnome named Orlan and he was stronger than he looked. Max bought us all drinks and we ate and played music and it was so much fun. It reminded me of being back at home... just for a little bit. Then it was time for everyone to go to sleep and I was left with the homesick feeling inside.
I finally decided to do something about these bad people that are attacking us everywhere we go. I don't know what I can do, but I'm going to try to do something. I'm going to start with learning about them and finding out everything I can. I started by returning Malcolms book with a note inside and having a chat with him that night. He told me a lot about these people, apparently they're called the Order of the Talon and they have a symbol of some sort that looks like this: Φ
Malcolm was very sweet and tried to find non violent ways for me to get involved. I'm not sure this can be resolved using the Way of the Leaf though... But I won't just just sit by and watch more people I care about be hurt and killed. We agreed to learn and track this order for now and we'll keep it a secret between us.
Lastly we finally arrived at the High Forest! I hope we can put this whole curse thing to rest and go back to happy things!

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