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Tue 26th Oct 2021 12:45

Entry 14

by Eshonai

Dear Diary,
Those council guys are jerks! We tried to talk with them, we really did! But after they saw Max they all pulled out weapons and started threatening us. I felt really bad for them. I think they thought they looked scary waving their weapons around, but I knew they only people they could hurt was themselves. For violence against others is violence against yourself and it is my duty to prevent people from hurting themselves in this way.
No one else seemed to want to talk to them so I tried to talk with them and they just yelled over me and demanded we walk in while they aimed weapons at us. Well I wasn't about to let my friends get hurt, or let them hurt themselves, so I slammed the door shut quick. They shot the door! These poor people :(
We tried to hold the door shut but they blew it open and tried to attack us. But my friends are way too cool headed. Xayah, Reverie and Rin restrained them all in those really cool vines like the dead people and even made them glow purple. We were able to convince them we wanted to talk and didn't want to hurt them.
After talking to the lady with the pretty beard I'm not so sure I understand them at all. They seemed to not listen to anything we said before attacking us and kept demanding we state our intention and listen to them. Even while they were covered in vines and waving weapons around while we held up our hands to talk. I kept introducing myself but she woudn't return the favor; why would anyone be so rude? I did like her mask though.
In the end we told them we were there on behalf of King Melandroch and while they recognized the name, they didn't seem to recognize his authority. I tried mentioning that nice lady I met Duchess Morrwind but they didn't seem to recognize her authority either. They seemed to think they were the only people who mattered, in this city or any other. I really wanted to talk with them but any time I tried it felt like I just screwed it up and they yelled over me. I tried yelling over them but that didn't work either...
The lady punched me in the face too, it didn't hurt me too much, but I was sad I let it happen to her. Before I realized what was happening Xayah popped up and filled her mouth with sand! (I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty funny) Xayah can have such a temper sometimes, but she's so cute I can't be cross with her. Before I realized it everyone had their weapons out again and were trying to hurt us again. Then a bright flash of light! My muscles tense, my skin warm, ears ringing, eyes trying to focus and.... Xayah on the ground smoldering and twisted, Rin on the ground not moving or glowing anymore.... I lost my temper Diary.... And the worst part, I don't even think I'm sorry....

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