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Mon 6th May 2024 02:37

Spell Descriptions (Meta Journal)

by Conrad Serif

Chill Touch (V, S): A skeletal hand flies out from his wand and latches onto exposed flesh, tearing through the skin without actually breaking it. Beneath, the blood vessels are highlighted in black as dark ichor replaces the target's lifeforce.
Guidance (V, S, Concentration*): A warm hand sparks a flood of adrenaline that spreads from the location touched.
Message (V, S, M): The Mark of Scribing glows warmly as Conrad's words are delivered without error to the intended recipient.
Spare the Dying (V, S): Conrad whispers a short prayer to the Divinity within the fallen creature. The most recently spilled blood reverse back into the body and a scab rapidly forms over the wound.
Toll the Dead (V, S): Faint bells chime as though in muted celebration. Though the target hears the truth of their dolorous call. They call the mournful welcome to an undead guide and the target feels the death of the divinity that mortal sacrificed parallel to their encroaching doom.
Bane (V, S, M-Drop of Blood, Concentration*): Conrad's blood drips like molasses, and the targets feel the weight of their own blood amplified, slowing them and willing them to rest.
Bless (V, S, M-Holy Water, Concentration*): Conrad's blood glows for a moment as the targets feel the awakening of their own Divinities, spurring them to act and persevere.
Ceremony (V, S, M-25 gp worth of powdered silver/consumed, Ritual): TBD
Command (V): Conrad utters a command that is fueled by all the potential a single soul has to act upon the world, and imposes that will upon the target.
Comprehend Language (V, S, M-pinch of soot and salt, Ritual): The Mark of Scribing glows and Conrad rubs his eyes and ears. A quick shimmer of of blue and violet flashes across his eyes before the magic settles.
Create or Destroy Water (V, S, M-drop of water/grains of sand): A drop of blood drips from Conrad's finger, and a flood of water appears or a pool of water disappears in a rush of boiling evaporation.
Cure Wounds (V, S): "Your mind, body, and soul knows the right of things. You will not falter. Your Blood will carry you."
Detect Evil and Good (V, S, Concentration*): Conrad confers with his reliquary, and the vial stains a different color (depending on nearby creatures).
Detect Magic (V, S, Concentration*, Ritual): Conrad's mark glows as he leans forward and listens to an unheard tone of magical resonance.
Detect Poison and Disease (V, S, M-Yew leaf, Concentration*, Ritual): Conrad's eyes turn blood red and he gains a view of creatures arteries and veins as well as senses the malicious intent of substances that would harm the body.
False Life (V, S, M-alcohol or distilled spirits): Conrad releases a drop of blood on his skeletal arm and a network of arteries and veins interweave over the bony structure.
Guiding Bolt (V, S): A glowing pale red light sails towards to the target and when it strikes they begin to glow with a dim radiant light.
Healing Word (V): Conrad strains to command the divinity within the target, and as the energy builds he grunts out the word, "Cauterize." In a flash, the wound boils, the sound of hot blood splashing and sizzling beneath the target as the wound instantly blisters, no longer bleeding though minorly irritated.
Illusory Script (S, M-a lead-based ink worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes, Ritual): As Conrad writes the message, the ink shifts to glimmer just as is mark does, a blue violet and words dance on the page before settling.
Inflict Wounds (V, S): "May your mind know eternal slumber, may your body vacate the host, may your soul know oblivion."
Protection from Evil and Good (V, S, M-holy water or powdered silver and iron, which the spell consumes, Concentration*): A short prayer invokes the divinity within the target, causing it to swell with power enough to reject creatures that could never know the pursuit of such divine power.
Purify Food and Drink (V, S, Ritual): Conrad says a short prayer, bidding the food to be rid of malicious components and remain only as nourishment for the body.
Ray of Sickness (V, S): With some advanced wand-work, red-black bile sputters out in a forceful ray, coating the target and seeping in through the skin. Boils coat the target as they are consumed with an overwhelming urge to retch.
Sanctuary (V, S, M-small silver mirror): A uncomfortable calm settles in the targets body as they become acutely aware of the blood slowly flowing through their body. As assailants target them, that calms spikes them even more sharply.
Shield of Faith (V, S, M-a small parchment with a bit of holy text written on it): A glob of blood following the will of the target (potentially Charisma Save to control) floats about their person. As blows come in, the blood elongates to block and deflect them.
Aid (V, S, M-tiny strip of white cloth):
*Concentration spells are reflected through the Reliquary. If the spell has a material component, a drop of blood is taken from the reliquary and it magically constitutes a finger where he is missing his pinky. If it does not require a material component, the contents of the vial roil on their own.

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