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2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.

Absconding Fallen Territory

by Magdalena Aphelion

After meeting with the formidable mercenary Gru-Kai, our group decided to move stealthily across the land to avoid detection at the threat of capture and death. Around our eighth day of travel, while we rested in the evening, we learned something about our dear Princess Lilina. During one of my magic lectures, Sir Kyk, Pop, and I were demonstrating the use of basic spells such as firebolt, mage hand, shocking grasp, etcetera. Princess Lilina was able to, after observing us, show a grand display of magical capacity, casting firebolt, burning hands, and friends. As the kings I have served are deceased and Lilina is not privy to the information I possess, I brought Sir Kyk and Pop aside to tell them more about Lilina and her family. Knowing of their loyalty to Ostia and the princess, I trust them to not betray me. Upon returning, Gru let us know that she could also cast a spell that resembled ice. Princess Lilina's powers are advancing rapidly; I hope that we find shelter soon so we may weather this second storm.
Upon the tenth day of travel we met an impasse at a smaller river before the great canal between Carmichael and the continent. What was curious was the stalwart, 9-foot tall barricade that barred our entry. Given our impatience we did not scan the wall's distance to find a port to pass and rather hopped the fence after some deliberation. Sadly, just after our passing, our presence was detected by a patrol. We also passed the river eventfully: Princess Lilina and Pop were taken away by the river's current and Sir Kyk and Gru made great efforts to return the pair to shore.
After our short swim we followed the shore up to the port and found that it is being manned by members of the faith of Linneaus; a paladin stopped us and Sir Kyk was able to deter them from finding us out as the fugitives they spoke of. As of speaking with them, we are able to discern that they are specifically looking for Princess Lilina and myself. We were able to pass with relative ease and gain access to Carmichael by ferry. When in the city, we followed Pop's lead and find ourselves setting up lodging in The Resting Aboleth, as Pop is apparently friendly with the owner of the inn.
We plan on finding new garments to better conceal our identities as well as a way to forge false papers to obscure our identities further if we find ourselves at another checkpoint. I also plan on visiting the Lord of the Lake magical store to see if I may find any scrolls or spells to copy that are of a binding or debilitating nature so we may better prepare for the hordes of enemies we may also face.

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  1. The Fall of Ostia and the Quest for Re-Ascension
    2nd Month, 13th day, 1017 S.E.
  2. Absconding Fallen Territory
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.
  3. Slowly Returning Home
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  4. One Step Forward, Three Steps Back
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  5. Following Leads and Returning
    1st of Alitus, 1017 Second Era