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Magdalena Aphelion

Lawful Neutral High Elf (Noble)
Evocation Wizard 20
27 / 27 HP

A High Elf court wizard of the kingdom Ostia, serving his majesty King Gawain III of Ostia. She is a voracious learner and dedicated student of the Arcane Arts. Originally from Nove-Modai, prim and proper Magdalena has served Ostia for 200 years.

Campaign & Party

Other characters
1st of Alitus, 1017 Second Era

Following Leads and Returning

by Magdalena Aphelion

We began by comparing our leads and made a plan to address all three. First, we bided our time before staking out on Debee's steam boat ride. In that meanwhile I was able to copy down Mage Armor into my spellbook at a reduced cost (75% off!). There was no heinous activity, or at least not the kind we anticipated. I instead found a block of powder (which I later learned was Echo). After that failure we spent the day working on various tasks as we waited for the next night. I worked for eight hours at the college, earning a scroll of invisibility from Mathias. Well into my shift I was interrupted by a man asking for Debee by means of a wanted poster. I feigned ignorance and waited to learn more. Sir Kyk and Lilina approached me a few hours later and I learned that Debee had accosted an innocent librarian with her mimic (disguised as a cat) because she was offended that such a renowned wizard as Talesman did not know of its existence when he wrote his dissertation. I decided after my shift to visit the library and asked a scribe to copy down the anatomical drawing of an Aarakocra for Debee to study. We then passed the night with dinner and a show; where I had earned one platinum for my 8 hours slaving at the college (and a scroll worth a pretty penny), Sir Kyk earned twice the amount in a few short hours with his performance in the tavern. I messed with some of the locals, getting up to my heydey hijinks, before finally absconding into the night to meet the merchant.
When meeting with him I learned about this ability to enchant items with infused runes and chisel. He came onto me quite hotly and I played along. It felt good to be perceived as desirable. After spending the night and learning more about the enchantment process (such as how the cube is powered by a prototype of the philosopher's stone used by Lady Rivercrest), and that it would be only 15 days of waiting after one enchantment session to use said enchantment, I realized the potential of the process. In the morning, after the elf had left I decided to take the items for further study. I did not appreciate being taunted by the young elf at the premise of being his "apprentice" for quote "a very long time," especially if he was so quick to bed his potential lackey. In retrospect I should have also nabbed his demonstration piece, but in the moment I was focused on the device itself.
Finding the first two leads cold, we decided to move out for Lake Armads, where apparently the Harp of Helene was located. I ran back to the library to pick up the scroll I was owed and I copied down the lore about the harp for future reference. I don't know what it is about my recent happenings, but I also managed to quickly abscond with some extra ink for my writing. I never knew I was capable of such depravity. Anyway, after my brief fall from grace we marched to the southern point of Lake Armads. After a day or two surveying, Debee found resonance of a magical object seemingly below the lake. I decided to take a solo trip to the ruins of the Ostian Court to try and recover some potions of water breathing. I was able to pluck 4 away, along with two of my books and another 20 gold from my secret cache. The scene was barren, and my original precaution of using invisibility was not needed. I returned hastily and Debee and Sir Kyk went down below to try and retrieve the harp. Debee resurfaced after some time and requested that we follow her. I was wary given that the potions would be a one-way ticket (so to speak), but given that it was probably the means for the harp, I obliged. Debee and Sir Kyk found an old cavern that held a statue of Queen Lilina, and a challenge to find the harp. Princess Lilina smartly chose to stay near the entrance of the dungeon as the three of us bore deeper, turning towards the right-hand door found behind an underground tree.

Magdalena's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Fall of Ostia and the Quest for Re-Ascension
    2nd Month, 13th day, 1017 S.E.
  2. Absconding Fallen Territory
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.
  3. Slowly Returning Home
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  4. One Step Forward, Three Steps Back
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  5. Following Leads and Returning
    1st of Alitus, 1017 Second Era

The major events and journals in Magdalena's history, from the beginning to today.

Following Leads and Returning

We began by comparing our leads and made a plan to address all three. First, we bided our time before staking out on Debee's steam boat ride. In that meanwhile I was able to copy down Mage Armor into my spellbook at a reduced cost (75% off!). There was no...

06:07 am - 13.11.2021

One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

While studying I found the names of the pre-war dragons, which are also the names of the months. I also learned more about dracoliths - in a literal sense, their graves. And there is one of these graves per country, but there is no known grave for Relaquu...

03:43 am - 25.10.2021

Slowly Returning Home

There has been much fuss and business since last I wrote. We managed to sneak into Carmichael and dispersed as necessary. The princess, Kyk and I were about to find disguises when we ran into a young woman who wore a black and white cape. She entreated us...

12:03 am - 25.10.2021

Absconding Fallen Territory

After meeting with the formidable mercenary Gru-Kai, our group decided to move stealthily across the land to avoid detection at the threat of capture and death. Around our eighth day of travel, while we rested in the evening, we learned something about ou...

01:24 am - 17.05.2021

Quest Begins

We have begun our quest across the country of Lokrein as the result of the coup and razing of the kingdom Ostia and the death of King Gawain III. We have all been displaced as people of Ostia and are currently migrating to the city of Carmichael as a first place of refuge.

04:30 am - 26.04.2021

The Fall of Ostia and the Quest for Re-Ascension

Sir Kyk, detective Mars, fellow wizard Pop, and myself have escaped the kingdom of Ostia with princess Liliina in tow. We have learned that King Gawain III is deceased as a result of the raid. Based in the uniforms of the intruders of the kingdom and the ...

04:26 am - 26.04.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Magdalena.

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Other Characters by rougecladrogue