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23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era

Slowly Returning Home

by Magdalena Aphelion

There has been much fuss and business since last I wrote. We managed to sneak into Carmichael and dispersed as necessary. The princess, Kyk and I were about to find disguises when we ran into a young woman who wore a black and white cape. She entreated us information about the princess and offered us assistance and shelter, at which point we couldn't necessarily refuse. We procured new outfits and met with the young woman's warden, and ultimately came to the conclusion to bring the young woman, Debee, with us on our journey to our mutual benefit.
We moved on to the city of Alburn by boat and ferry, and met with a few merchants in the city. I was poorly received by one of my old classmates; I fear there was a gross misunderstanding that led to an awkward conclusion. I then met with my previous instructor and scoured the library for books relating to the first dragons and draconic bloodlines. I was invited to be an impromptu guest lecturer for Evocation 101 to which I obliged, but at this point it was more of a courtesy (much to my chagrin).

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  1. The Fall of Ostia and the Quest for Re-Ascension
    2nd Month, 13th day, 1017 S.E.
  2. Absconding Fallen Territory
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.
  3. Slowly Returning Home
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  4. One Step Forward, Three Steps Back
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  5. Following Leads and Returning
    1st of Alitus, 1017 Second Era