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23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era

One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

by Magdalena Aphelion

While studying I found the names of the pre-war dragons, which are also the names of the months. I also learned more about dracoliths - in a literal sense, their graves. And there is one of these graves per country, but there is no known grave for Relaquum. As far as how to raise a draconic sorcerer, I found more information about how to train a sorcerer, so I have written down some notes for future reference. I tried to best record what I can, and I'm beginning to hatch an idea of where to go next. First, I would like to look more into the history of Relaquum and leads as to where to find the dracolith. If this history is as entangled with Lilina's personal history as I believe it to be, this is our best bet to find more information about the possible issue the followers of Linneaus has with the kingdom of Ostia. I would also like to find amiable followers of Linneaus who may know more.
We decided to visit the Mystia Plateau to follow up on some leads or information based on what I had learned. I had the opportunity to rightfully punch Debee in the face, causing her split coloring to turn into a full aasimar presentation. We landed with ease on the rock, and decided to visit the master Divination wizard. Lucia let us know that she would be able to assist us if we found (and possibly) retrieved her scrying orb from the Thieves Guild that has tampered with her divining operation. William Maus, a steamboat operator, Rodolph Pomada, a merchant specializing in high quality items, and head of the Bard's College Miriam Albeau, would be possible leads to start finding Lucia's orb. We agreed to assist her in exchange for deep-scyring either for Linneaus intel or more information regarding the whereabouts of Relaquum's dracolith. We agreed as a team that I would check with the Rodolph the merchant seeing as I have more knowledge about arcane enchantments and a prior hobby of checking magical shops.
I met with Rodolph and tried to grill him for information; he seems to be completely fair about most of his dealings and being a one-man merchant, but he did invite me to see his "secretive" process as to how he creates these wonders. I agreed to meet with him tomorrow night to learn more; it would be best if I was followed at length by the party just in case. Meeting up with Debee and Kyk, we realized that we all had leads with minute success (if any). We decided that we would first follow Debee's lead with the steamboat operator with a nighttime sting, tomorrow night my lead with the merchant, and at worst we would follow Kyk's lead back to Lake Armads to find a mythical instrument for the head of the Bard's College.

Continue reading...

  1. The Fall of Ostia and the Quest for Re-Ascension
    2nd Month, 13th day, 1017 S.E.
  2. Absconding Fallen Territory
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.
  3. Slowly Returning Home
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  4. One Step Forward, Three Steps Back
    23rd of Almitas, 1017 2nd Era
  5. Following Leads and Returning
    1st of Alitus, 1017 Second Era