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Tue 24th Jan 2023 05:23

01/23/2023 - Dec22 & 01/23/23 Notes (freak~ arc begins)

by Turin Melkor

December Sessions:
Rumor: Coliseum in the Spire

  • previously unheard of (upstairs, "roman esque", finely kept)

  • Top of the tower
  • roughly 1000ft up

  • Rumor: The Great Beast
  • mentioned by Arkotin

  • information of distorted beasts, ceaseless hunger, creatures warped beyond natural means

  • tried to push Arkotin to help triangulate the direction of the beast

  • noticed that its influence is generally getting pushed more towards the spire

  • Yzmir: looking for information on "reapers"
    Repaers: farers of spirits
  • ferrymen of souls have been lost to the ages

  • Yzmir has met/seen one of them (upon the passing of Cameron's previous character)

  • collection of spirits mikcks the role (for the sword)

  • Yzmir related to these creatures in some capacity.

  • Vinlal's Inquiry: markings, runes, etc. on his personal/room (infinity shaped geometry)
    January Sessions:
    Meeting with Kheal'zog (Supreme Necromancer of the Tower)
  • The Throne:

  • Made of bone; with the back made of a ribcage. The armrests are made of fused together bones ending with skulls. The seat remains stone.

  • The three skulls adorning the throne are by no means "small fry". The two flanking the middle appear to be the same species with different head shapes (Wendigo shaped). Central skull is that of a "humanoid dragon" that has naturally attached horns.

  • There is a sound of running water underneath the bridge and periapt where Kheal'zog's throne is located

  • Conversation:

  • Lith's existence is very unatrual. A member of the Shadar Kai; a race now thought to be extinct 700 years ago upon the merging of the realms. The collapse of the Shadowrealm did facilitate the destruction of these races, and these races appear few and far between after the joining in the darker parts of the world. (forced interrogation; by the memory reading)

  • Zeal: stability of the plane is not only related to the war in Avernus; but to the situation with Lith and her people.
    Yzmir: decendant of Seraphs. Tied with another (within her physically / spiritually) and tied to this situation
    Jariya Kadel: family gone through hardships to rebuild, and he seeks more. those who scorned his family are tied to this
    Lith: Child of shadowfallen. (Wonder how her people continue without *her* guidance)
    Forbidden Knowledge of this Plane:
  • Price of knowledge: if this knowledge is shared with those who have not been already briefed (very select few among the spire the soul of the individual will be consumed by Kheal'zog and there will be no chance of revival

  • Black circle of magic inscriptions appear around our wrists and necks. Upon the saying of "the pact is sealed" by Kheal'zog the magic seeps into our bodies and souls. (my soul feels taught as if pulled by the curse placed by Kheal'zog)

  • Bahamut, Moridan, Pelor, XXX, Belathor, xxx, asmodeus, Therasidon (the gods that remain)

  • before the time of shadow, the pantheon of gods was much larger. More diverse, more filled out, and reached the extent of all living beings

  • within the span of a handful of years, that number shrank due to the efforts of those who consider themselves valiant and the numbers were changed and "trimmed" of the fat

  • Kheal'zog upon waving his hand provides moving images behind him. (exact number is roughly 5-6 individuals w/ 2 perfectly clear and they move in accordance to his speech)
  • Hero's gaining godlike power and re-writing the world as they see fit; what happens (not a myth, but a hard truth of the world)

  • Weapon of evil's creation that could slay the gods. And when left with such power, they saw a duty to trim the fat, and to trim those gods who cause pain to others (would the source of the suffering be removed if the god itself was removed) // split heaven and earth and defy those holy beings

  • challenged those who would be considered most evil. unsure how many died, and how many went into hiding.

  • the god of Orcs & wanton destruction was first. god of darkness and poisons. Tiamat. Bane (god of war and conquest).

  • Ravenqueen (god of the shadowfell; god of life and death neutral party and the god of souls. Adventurers sought to do battle with the queen herself and were successful while surmounting terrible losses

  • upon the death of the Ravenqueen; the shadowfell and the real world were to collide as planes and overlap

  • Kheal'zog is tied to the Ravenqueen's goal. And the Ravenqueen is unable to be replaced and she will need to return so that the material plane will not fall completely to twilight (would lead to the inevitable collapse of all other planes as humanity and other species die out and the delicate relationships that exist)

  • Shadowplane will eventually take all life into itself and kill all. We have a finite amount of time left while we attempt to push forward. ("to hell with the impossible")

  • Kheal'zog he will support us all in our own personal goals across this plane. We are on a path of ruin and we should do what we can to push our plane back to a more "correct and righted" path

  • black swirling blob in his hand; "if the ravenqueen cannot be replaced; we will just need to get enough power to revive a god"

  • We are all his "Ravens". Assisting with the spire in any way we can, and continue to report to him of the going ons of the world itself. And with the Shadarkai returning ( a worshiper of the ravenqueen), we are closer than ever before to being able to achieve his goal.

  • Azrael; from within Yzmir "thank you for your extended patronage Kheal'zog. Is there any hope of him returning to how he was (due to the death of the Ravenqueen)". very unlikely for Azrael to be able to return to how he once was, and they will either be fused fully or they will die in the process.
    Ezra and Zimina have knowledge. Do not speak to Jiraya.
    Yzmir; apologies for withholding knowledge of herself from us.
    Upcoming Job Offers:
    Spider Queen Recruitment:
  • fighting a clockwork army

  • side recruitment is split up; you can try and do both (similar to Arelene)

  • Northern/Northwestern Coast:
  • Numerous reports of pirates; garnered a large variety of aquatic races attention. If we can solve their problem and recruit them, it will allow us greater

  • Deep ruins; with long lost knowledge of these creatures of the deep

  • Boonfall style; investigation leading into grander plot and either allies or enemies

  • Investigation of the Beasts and the Twilight upon them:
  • Maybe related to the Great Beast?

  • open world travel and investigation; more world building based

  • 8th Layer of Hell (Cania) currently in turmoil. Looking for those who are willing to embrace the adventurous exposure (subzero temperatures; looking for willing subjects with some of the more unusual acquisitions)
  • combat focused based

  • Upcoming Maelstrom Job in the Near future (most likely upon the completion of the other 3)