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Tue 7th Feb 2023 05:57

02/06/2023 - Preparing for the Departure to Hell

by Turin Melkor

Meeting w/ Lebian:

  • getting the Hellboar prepared for ressurection

  • writing upon the table in Lebian's laboratory. reanimates the remains of the hellboar

  • ridable, durable, more damage

  • lots of options for the boar itself nice.

  • spent 200gs out of 800gs getting the boar reanimated and neck adjustments from ciaroprater

  • Meeting w/ Vivian:
  • glyph of warding

  • condition vs keyword (bomb = keyword)

  • conditional is her specialty

  • 80-100 gold based on condition and potency of explosion

  • Undead spirit mimics the flesh; your voice originates from where it would come from naturally.