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Tue 30th Aug 2022 03:08

08/29/2022 - Before the Dawn of the Next Day

by Turin Melkor

Our party received gifts from an unknown source.
Badge w/ Insignia Notes (according to me): belongs to a society that wants to keep itself under wraps, but benefits those it supports. Illusionary magic @ play.

  • sigil on the badge does not match the letter

  • Interview with the Cadel in Captivity:
  • Yzmir is asking a lot of questions about an execution in the human capital from 14 years ago (Senator Carpisculum?)

  • events of this execution and hunt are known by the Cadel

  • rumors that a god has died; very poggers.

  • Next Step of our Journey:
  • Pelor's Sect is taking a forefront at the undead murdering joyfulness.

  • We need to take over this sect, and get in on this shit from the inside

  • find out if there is a coven or single witch within this town, and gathering as much information as we can