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May 9, 1325

The Island, Day 2

by Sentry of the Ohrder Helma

We head toward the ruins of a ship not far from where we landed. I ignore a religious monologue by Mori and find inside it a set of unhinged doors, and a very heavy wooden door with iron bands, locked with a heavy padlock. I go up to inspect it, and there are lots of scrape marks around the door like the ones we saw in the village.
Phelo walks through the door and opens it from the inside. There is a desk, a journal, and the stub of a candle, and some kind of blood-soaked cot with a dead guy, holding a knife. I decipher that the dagger is slightly magical, it has a +1 bonus. I follow Altair who picks up three magical dice. I can't tell exactly what their function is. When Altair attempts to roll them, he gets a 4, 5, and 2 every time.
We head over to the spooky old tower along the upper shoreline. We find a small abandoned village here, about 400-500 years old. The old tower is actually on its own pillar, connected to land by a structure that used to be a bridge, but it would be incredibly dangerous to cross. We send Mori, who makes it across but creates a 10-foot gap behind him. We tie a rope across both sides of the bridge, so we can shimmy our way across. I make it across and Altair starts to cross before Ohri warns us all of five gribs in the tower. At that moment, Altair falls.
We kill or scare away all the gribs, but we nearly lose Altair in the process.
We head into the tower. There are a bunch of crates and a chest, and a place where a set of stairs used to be. Ishtar picks up a magical bracelet that I identify has a powerful shield spell. Mori continues annoying the shit out of me with his religious shit so I go stack some boxes so we can get up to the second floor.
There's a small table (appears to be a study desk), on top is a scroll case (ivory) and chalice (darkwood). We all leave and get back across the rope bridge to the mainland, and go back to our boat. We go around the island to find the family of the guy who tried to rob us, then wake him up when we stop offshore. He tells us a lot about the island, what happened here (the abandoned boat we raided had a monster on it that got loose), and his wife and son are there on the island. His name is Ohron. We promise him we will be back on the island tomorrow morning to find his family.

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  1. The Island, Day 1
    May 8, 1325
  2. The Island, Day 2
    May 9, 1325
  3. The Island, Day 3
    May 10, 1325
  4. The Day We Left that F*cking Hellhole
    May 7, 1325
  5. The Sea, Pt 1
    May 10, 1325
  6. The Floating Island, Pt 1
    May 10, 1325
  7. Welcome to Iolas
    May 11, 1325