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May 8, 1325

The Island, Day 1

by Sentry of the Ohrder Helma

We survive a storm and land on the South beach of a nearby island to the North. It's a spooky island and none of us really want to stay. We wait out the storm, rest another day, then prepare to set out on the water as soon as the tide comes up again.
I have to go rescue Mori from some gribs, and I give him a short lecture on going out alone. His familiar, Phelo, verbally berates him much harsher than I did. I don't much like this Phelo fellow.
The whole group heads into the village, and Ohri pulls a smile out of me for the first time that day. She encourages me to open up more to the group, noting my grumpiness earlier. I tell her I'm just not a morning person, but really I'm self-conscious about where I belong. I've been protecting and serving the cult and Altair for as long as I can remember; no one gave me a choice. I don't even know if I want to be doing it; no one ever asked. Yet I continue to do it even now, when there is nothing making me. I'm reflecting on my own free will, and realizing I may be more bound to my role than I thought.
We get into the abandoned village, and pick up a few items. We notice that most people had to leave in a big hurry, and obvious signs of blood indicating a person being dragged, bloody, from one corner of the room to outside the house.
When we leave, we see a human figure leaving our boat with a big bag of stuff. He very quickly gets spotted by the gribs and attacked. We chase after him and scare off the gribs. He's unconscious and barely alive when we reach him, so we stabilize him, and I carry him back to the boat so we can ask him questions. I realize he won't be getting better any time soon, so I leave the boat to find some specific ingredients at the top of the nearest mountain. It will be a 2-3 hour treck both ways, and the next tide comes in in 5 hours, so I have to hurry. Ohri follows me, concerned I won't be back in time, trying to get me to turn back and let the man die, but I won't. Eventually, the others join us.
After a 2.5 hour hike, we get high enough to find and collect enough ingredient with just enough time to get back to the boat in time for high tide. We get back to the boat and get it in the water. I start making the remedy and checking over the guy. He's middle-aged/old, probably 40 or 50, might have children. Clothes ragged, no shoes, belt held together by rope, has a ring on his finger that looks like a wedding band. Inside his pouch are a couple silver and copper coins, a carving knife, and a wedding ring with an inset gem. I also notice that he was trying to steal what appears to be 2 weeks worth of rations for a single person. I yell up to the crew on deck to stay alert for other survivors. Along the shoreline not much later, we find a lit campfire and a couple of survivors calling for help. We navigate farther upshore to stay the night. By now, I've done all I can to treat the man's infection.
I take second watch after Ohri, and the third watch. Nothing eventful happens. I wake Ishtar to complete the cycle.
When we wake up, she is obviously high, and so is her fox.

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  1. The Island, Day 1
    May 8, 1325
  2. The Island, Day 2
    May 9, 1325
  3. The Island, Day 3
    May 10, 1325
  4. The Day We Left that F*cking Hellhole
    May 7, 1325
  5. The Sea, Pt 1
    May 10, 1325
  6. The Floating Island, Pt 1
    May 10, 1325
  7. Welcome to Iolas
    May 11, 1325