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Thu 4th Mar 2021 03:40

The Case of the Missing Loggers

by Igor

Leroy, Elora Moonshine, Sam Midson, Igor, Beadle Bygrub, and Eileen have been summoned to Port Domina to meet Roaka Deluthe and investigate a troubled trade route. Roaka tells our mighty adventurers how a pair of exploring loggers went missing in the woods and rumors of drums in the night. After negotiation over compensation the party accepts 2 health potions and 4 sun rods to go into the woods with the promise of more payment after the threat is revealed. Our heroes head to the lumber mill
The lumberjacks have been on strike since their friends went missing. They tell a story of exploring to find the missing duo and the frightening sounds of a massive drum in the dark woods and an ominous cackling. This frightens the crew and sends them fleeing from the woods. The story leaves Beadle with a sense that this noise is not originally from the forest
Journeying into the woods the group finds the logging camp and begins the investigation. They see that tools appear to have been stolen from the camp and that there are the prints of a massive wolf. Further investigation leads Leroy to discover that the prints are like that of a wolf but are rather that of two bipedal creatures. He also can tell that a few axes, hammers, and a breaker bar. Following the tracks out group starts to hear the deep rumble of giant drump, they find a clearing with a large fallen tree covered in an unnaturally thick moss upwards of 8” in places…. Very odd, very odd indeed. Concerned they start to sneak through clearing, they see the moss yawn, a massive moss yaw as if the moss was a lizard the size of a horse. Against all logic and reason Elora takes it upon herself to knock on the beast’s head and attempt to talk to it. In a completely expected turn of events the moss lizard attacks Elora and a second beast appears and engages the group. The beasts appear to be impervious to the attacks of our team, healing quickly from all attacks. That is until magic users of the group burn them, they begin to fall to the skilled attacks of our warrior companions. As the **2 giant moss lizard** melt into ooze our friends move forward
Moving on they come into another clearing containing a section of road. Leading into a camp surrounding a large hole. Our friends see the drum and two knolls with the tools piled nearby. Sneaking up on the knolls the party launches a sneak attack victoriously slaying the two. The mighty bard Sam takes up the drum to continue the beat ensuring the knolls down below are unaware of the ambush. Inspecting the surroundings they find the gnawed bones of the missing lumberjacks. In a stroke of wit Beadle sends the incredible Chucksby into the how to scout ahead. An elaborate plan is formed to lure a small number of knolls out with a change in drumming and push flaming tents upon them. Two of the villains emerge to their detriment as the group fall upon them. Slaying one while surprised the other flees back into the cave. The knoll returns with 3 others and a much larger pack lord. Beadle thinking quickly covers the attacking pack with bacon grease he had been saving for breakfast. Sam pushes a flaming tent on the packlord who had been forcing the four smaller knolls ahead with his whip. The following battle leaves the party standing among the corpses of **7 Gnolls and 1 Pack Lord**
With the gnolls eliminated the group heads into the cavern determined to discover the meaning of the pack’s efforts. The unfortunate Sam strays from the group only to be ambushed by a slime. Our friends rush to the aid of Sam. Igor dies. Then lives with the aid of a health potion from Elora. Barely escaping alive the mighty LeRoy slays the cube sparing the lives of Igor and Sam.
2200 cp, 1300 sp, 100 gp, Bloodstone (50 gp), Chalcedony (50 gp), Jasper (50 gp), Quartz (50 gp), 2 x Sardonyx (50 gp), Star rose quartz (50 gp), Zircon (50 gp), +1 Shield (uncommon, dmg 200), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (uncommon, dmg 171), Wand of Magic Missiles (uncommon, dmg 211)
Further in the cave the group discovers a meditating old man, The owner of the gnolls whom he was using to dig in search of high magic artifacts. The man attempts to hire the group to do the digging on account of his gnolls being dead. They attempt to deceive the old man into believing they are interested in the job but he sees through the deception. Saying he can’t let them get away to town and tell others what he is up to the man prepares to attack. Igor runs away and goes to bed, unaware of what happened to the rest of the group because he was asleep.