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Thu 18th Mar 2021 02:02

3/17/2020 Return to Thistlefoot

by Igor

Return to Thistlefoot
Beadle, Igor, Eileen, Leroy, and Ruby meet up in Port Domina interested in investigating the strange going ons in the Thistlefoot woods. Weird purple healing potions are exchanged, Beadle shows off his new mastif mount and the group heads to the local potion purveyor Mira to buy healing potions.
Our brave adventurer set forth to Thistlefoot, which is bustling with activity of lumberjacks foragers and other towns folk. Deeper into the woods the activity thins and stops. The group nears the clearing they once fought giant moss lizards the forest becomes eerily silent, all sounds of insects, blowing leaves, bending branches all stops. No wildlife can be seen, only plants. Sam comes wandering up into the party, all evidence shows that he never left the woods from their first trip to this location. Concerned by the abnormal conditions of the wood LeRoy suggests to Beadle to send his mighty Chucksbee into the air to scout the area. Chucksbee land on a tree limb above, however this tree is not normal, it doesn't yield under the weight of the flying squirrel, the branch yields almost like flesh under his little claws and portion of the tree covered thickly in moss opens an eye and looks at the small beast. Investigating a second tree he sees moss pulling away from the tree with tendrils and eyes looking for the source of the disturbance to the tree it was attached to. With this information passed on to the rest of the group the party expects a fight to follow and plans a preemptive sneak attack. Igor fires an arrow into the moss of one of three trees. 3 humanoid moss monsters pull off of the trees…. COMBAT ENSUES. The creatures take damage and become weak but cannot die unless burned. The group slays the 3 beasts and begins to investigate the nearby stream to determine if it is related to the living moss. Beadle smokes his pipe and detects magic, he sees magic tendrils flowing out from the creatures heading into the woods the direction the party was heading.
Beadle leads the group into the woods following the tendrils. They come upon a familiar clearing with a fallen tree where the giant lizards of moss were encountered. The moss that were once lizards is found to be shriveled and gray and the tendrils seen by Beadle are seen to be passing through trees that have been split up the middle where bloody viscera can be seen. Uneased the party moves forward towards the cave they once found the knoll camp around. There they find the burned remains of tents and other evidence of their last conflict. LeRoy, cunning ranger that he is, spots several bushes that “aint right”. 8 moss beast appear and …. COMBAT ENSUES. The party emerges from combat victorious. Tired from combat the heroes decide to take a short rest before delving into the cave. Not a half of an hour passes before a giant quadrupedal mosster emerges from the cave…. COMBAT ENSUES. The group is victorious, they continue their rest.
LeRoy makes more goodberry chaw and hands 3 to Sam, and one to each other person. They all head into the cave sending Chucksbee ahead to scout for threats the group works their way to the altar they once found. Once they find the room it is overgrown with a mass of moving vines…. COMBAT ENSUES. Victory follows as LeRoy coldly slits the throatish area of the mass. Promptly following Beadle begins to detect and identify magic, receiving visions of large amounts of magic and fiendish teeth gnashing at him. He sees that the altar is missing its orb and has been defiled. Insight from Sam reveals this is a very ancient Galdorean artifact of immense magic. In an attempt to defile the ruins LeRoy stands upon it to lay some rope. As the ploppers fall LeRoy becomes a sheep wanders around the room eating scraps of fallen vines. Despite this the group searches the rest of the cave and find a chest containing 1000 cp, 6000 sp, 2300 gp, 100 pp, Bolt of Silk (25 gp), Small Bag of Spices (25 gp), Silver Cloth Ribbon (25 gp), Polished Stone Mask (25 gp), Potion of Speed (very rare, dmg 188.